Southport L.V. League 2024



Vice-Chairman Chairman President Secretary Treasurer
John Hughes Chris Harding Mike Milne Gary Burgess Mark Eustace
    Hesketh Arms





7.30     Meeting opened by the chairman

 ROLL CALL   The clubs not represented were  LONDON. MERE BROW. VICTORIA PARK.

TRIBUTE (MINUTES SILENCE)  There was a list of members from 1 club asked to be noted. Tim Hughes, Eddie Wynne, Clem Cadden, Ernie Rimmer, Gordon Smith.

MINUTES OF 2015    To be noted as correct and accepted

SECRETARIES REPORT. The secretary expressed concerns that the constitution was outdated and because of it, we as a committee were unable to carry out our duties. He noted that because of the constitution we weren’t even allowed to discuss certain aspects unless there were changes. He suggested that rules 1,3,4,5,6 and18 were addressed and discussed.

These rules were discussed and it was generally agreed by a majority of those present that they should be changed. However it was brought up by a small minority that we would be going against the constitution itself and it can’t be done.

Because it was getting nowhere it was suggested we take a vote on whether the changes should be made or not. 

There were 18 present. 13 voted to allow change 2 voted against and 2 abstained. There were 3 more votes on the bench that obviously wanted change.

Because of the support of the members present. And it was for the better of the league, the chairman ( rightly or wrongly) made the announcement that the changes would be carried out. This was accepted by the floor that it was the best way to move forward.

 It was also brought up that should we run the individuals and pairs competitions that it would be up to the committee as to when we do this.

 TREASURERS REPORT   The treasurer sent apologies that he wouldn’t be attending. Also that he was resigning as the treasurer. As there were no books, records or a treasurer present we accepted that and moved on.

APPLICATION TO JOIN OR LEAVE THE LEAGUE.  There were no applications to join or leave the league.

 ISSUE OF REGISTRATION FORMS.  These were handed out to the clubs present. However as in previous meetings the clubs not represented still have not supplied the information to keep the records up to date.


The positions of Chairman, Secretary and vice chairman were not opposed and they agreed to stand for another year. As the treasurer had resigned we asked for a replacement. Jason Wright offered his services, was nominated, seconded and voted on.


1 The president day hosting was offered to the Zetland and Fleetwood Hesketh as they were the only clubs to offer the previous year. This was  agreed by the majority. A simple draw was made with the Zetland being chosen to host the presidents day. It was agreed that the Fleetwood Hesketh are to host it the following year.

 PRESENTATION  As it was voted against having a presentation night we decided to hand out the trophies at the end of the meeting. As there was no treasurer and no money to award it was agreed that as and when Jason the new treasurer establishes the accounts that would be taken care of.

( It was brought up and suggested that if any winners were not present that they should forfeit the money awarded).


AOB.  As there was no other business brought up the meeting was closed at 8.30.


“NOTE”  After the general meeting the committee had a discussion about the events. Especially about the constitution changes. It was agreed that to try and keep within the guidelines of ( THE CONSTITUTION).

 Our next meeting on December 13th  would now be an ( EXTRA GENERAL MEETING). I urge ALL the  clubs to attend and discuss the changes proposed