Mkt Drayton Bowling League 2024

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To view the current Single Administration officers click on the Single Administration Officers Link


President Wendy Icke



  1. 1.                  Name

The Association shall be known as the North Shropshire Crown Green Bowls Association.


  1. 2.                  Object

The object of the Association shall be to promote organise develop and govern crown green bowling in the North Shropshire area.


  1. 3.                  Affiliation

The Association shall be affiliated to the British Crown Green Bowling Association {BCGBA), and Shropshire Crown Green Bowls Association (SCGBA)


  1. 4.                  Membership

Membership shall be open to all Bowling clubs affiliated to the Shropshire Crown Green Bowls Association. All applications to join the leagues will be considered by the Executive Committee on merit.


  1. 5.                  Officers

The Officers of the Association shall consist of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Competition Secretary, Safeguarding Officer, Development Officer, Under 25 Representative plus 1 representative from each of the leagues within the Association. Officers will be elected annually at the AGM. Any officer may be re-elected without limit. Nominations for any of the named positions from any club or individual to be sent to the Secretary by 30th November annually. All nominations for any Officer position must be in writing and accompanied by a proposer and seconder. (They do not need to attend the AGM to be elected to office). No nominations will be accepted at the meeting.


The election of the Chair of the Association will be via nominations and voted on at the Annual General meeting in the relevant year. Nominations for Chair of the Association should be notified to the Secretary by 30th November. In the event of a tie the result will be determined by a simple ballot.


The Chair of the Association will act as the Chairperson at all Committee meetings. In their absence, another member of the Committee will be selected to act as Chairperson for that meeting. The post holder may stand for re-election at the end of the term.


The role and limits of authority of each of the Officers are documented separately


  1. 6.                  Committees
    1. a.            AssociationExecutiveCommittee

The Executive Committee consisting of the Officers, and one representative from each club will govern the affairs of the Association. Decisions made will be ratified by a majority vote of those clubs attending.


Each club and Association officer will be allowed one vote. Where proposed changes apply only to a particular league, the proposals may only be voted on by the clubs affiliated to that league.

Where proposed changes only apply to specific divisions the proposals may only be voted on by clubs with teams in the divisions(s) or division immediately above or below the division(s) concerned. In the event of a tie the Chairperson will have the casting vote.

Decisions made by the Executive Committee shall be final and binding.


The committee will have due regard to the law on equality, disability discrimination, child, and vulnerable protection and be subject to the various Safeguarding policies and procedures stipulated by the BCGBA.


  1. b.       Association Management Committee

The Association will be managed by a committee known as the North Shropshire Crown Green Bowls Association Management Committee and will be made up of the Officers of the Association. In addition, delegates representing, Referees, County & Juniors may attend when invited, as can the Presidents of each of the Leagues.


Each Officer will be entitled one vote and the Chair of the meeting shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie


The Association Management Committee has the power to:


a)        provide playing facilities for matches and tournaments, equipment, training, transport, medical and related facilities.


b)        provide coaching and related social and other facilities.


c)         have full powers to act on any matter which come before them, including complaints, disputes, fines etc.


d)        take out insurance for organised events, players, guests and third parties.


e)        Co-opt any member on to the Committee because of a vacancy arising before the next AGM is held. Any member co-opted will need to stand for re-election at the next AGM.


f)           Nominate a bona fide Bank and set up an account to deposit monies paid to the Leagues and make payments from to meet all liabilities.


g)         raise funds by appeals, subscriptions, and other activities.


h)         set aside funds for special purposes or as reserves.


i)           invest funds in a responsible manner.


j)          engage 3rd Parties and others to provide services, i.e. an Auditor for the annual accounts of each league.


k)         co-operate with or affiliate to firstly any bodies regulating or organising the Sport and secondly any club or body involved with it and thirdly with government and related agencies.


I)           do all things reasonably necessary to advance the purposes of Crown Green bowling.


m)       may exercise discretion in dealing with any unforeseen circumstances or Ad-hoc situations that may arise in the operation and/or interpretation of the rules for both leagues.


n)        NONE of the above powers may be used other than to advance the purpose consistently with the objects of the Association and the general law.


A Committee member ceases to be such if they cease to be a member of the Association, resigns by written notice, or is removed because of any disciplinary action. Any disciplinary action will be subject to the policies and procedures as stipulated by the BCGBA.


Whenever a committee member has a personal interest in a matter to be discussed they must declare it, withdraw from that part of the meeting (unless asked to stay), not be counted in the quorum for that agenda item and withdraw during the vote and have no vote on the matter concerned.


The Management Committee may delegate any of their functions to sub-committees but must specify the scope of its activity and powers; the extent to which it can commit any funds of the Leagues; its membership; and its duty to report back to the Management Committee. The Committee may wind up any sub-committee at any time or to change its mandate and operating terms.



  1. 7.                  Organisation of meetings


Association Management/Executive Meetings


  1. a.      The Association Executive Committee and Management Committee shall meet on the instruction from the Secretary in consultation with the Association Chairperson. Notice of Executive meetings shall be forwarded to all member clubs at least 14 days before the meeting.


  1. Minutes of previous Executive meetings shall be distributed to the club secretaries within 14 days of being held and approved with any amendments within a further 14days.
    1. c.      A quorum for Association Management meetings is 50% of the Officers.


General Meetings


  1. The Association AGM will be held in January to receive the accounts for the previous year, and to elect Officers of the Management Committee


  1. Minutes of the previous AGM shall be distributed to the club secretaries and approved at the meeting.


  1. Any club failing to be represented at an Association Executive meeting or any General Meeting shall be fined



  1. A quorum for all general meetings is 50% of member clubs present


  1. Except as otherwise provided in the Association rules, every resolution shall be decided by a simple majority of the votes cast by a show of hands or an online poll. All Officers and Clubs attending the AGM or EGM will be entitled to one vote each. In the event of a tie then the Chairperson will have the casting vote.
  2. Where proposed rule changes will apply only to particular divisions the proposals may be voted on only by clubs with teams in the division{s) or the division immediately above or below the division{s) concerned, plus the Association officers.
  3. 8.                  Extraordinary General Meetings


A special general meeting of the Association may be called at any time by the Executive Committee and shall be called within 21 days of the receipt by the Secretary of a requisition in writing signed by at least. 5 Association members and stating the business to be discussed. No other business shall be discussed at the meeting so convened.

  1. 9.                  Finance


All monies due from the Leagues within the Association should be paid to the Treasurer on or before 31st October each year. Clubs with outstanding dues not paid will be fined £20 per month until paid. The accounts


of the leagues shall be made up to 31st December in each year and shall be presented at the AGM by the Treasurer and audited for approval at the next Executive meeting.

  1. 10.              Rules of the Association

Notice of any proposed new rules or alterations to existing rules proposed by the Management Committee will be circulated to all member clubs in the notice convening the Annual General meeting. Any proposed changes suggested by any other member clubs must be submitted in writing by 30th November and circulated with the notice convening that Annual General meeting.


No rule of the Association shall be altered, rescinded, or added to without the consent of the majority at the Annual General Meeting.


  1. 11.              Dissolution

Should an AGM or EGM decide, by a majority, on grounds of expediency or otherwise, to dissolve the Association, a meeting of member clubs will be called within 28 days. At the meeting, if a two thirds majority of those present and eligible to vote decide to dissolve the Association, the Executive committee shall have the power to decide on the future management of the leagues involved.


  1. 12.               Amendments

This Constitution may be amended at a General Meeting by a majority of the votes cast. All amendments proposed must be sent to the Secretary by not later than the 30th November.



Adopted at meeting held.


At                Archibald Worthington Club


On              Wednesday, 25th January 2023