Mid Cheshire Bowling League 2024

Chairman Secretary Treasurer
Mr Mark Winnington Mr Gary Spencer Mrs Helen Brewin
winnington91@gmail.com spencergary7@gmail.com helen@pgstraining.com   
Mobile: 07808 462314  Mobile: 07958 495413   Mobile: 07912 514183   
 Deputy Chairman League Fixtures Secretary Competition Secretary
Mr David Jones Mr Andy Gregory
  davej5059@gmail.com andygreg73@hotmail.com 
Mobile: 07882 730823 Mobile: 07498 743489 

New Helsby Sports All Weather Greens - Location


Helsby Sports Club Greens Directions (New All Weather Greens) Callender Way, Helsby. WA6 0FX

 Turn off at the Tesco Lights and go straight on at the mini roundabout down Callender Way for around 200 yards and you will see the club on the left.



Player Registrations

For 2022 players will need to be registered on or before 1st April which is reverted back to the usual date; this needs to be completed by each club/team online via bowlsresults.co.uk


Team Competitions

Please register how many teams from your club will be taking part in both Team Cups as soon as you can so that we can do draws before the season starts. Email me at spencergary7@gmail.com



To: All Secretaries

2022 Handbooks will be printed as usual and the usual no supplied to clubs

Important Message about Club Contacts

Please let me know if you have changed your contact/secretary at your club and update your club contacts when you are logged in so that other teams can also see name telephone and email contact details. It makes things much easier for everyone to know they can find them all in the same place. It's also important for sending out emails to the right people.

Many Thanks

Gary Spencer