Birkenhead & Wirral Crown Green Bowling League 2024









General meetings and meetings of the Council shall be held at such times and dates as directed by the rules. Sub-Committee meetings to be held as determined by the Council or sub-committees concerned.



The President shall formally open the business of General Meetings after which the Chairman will take the chair. The Chairman will take the chair at all other Meetings. If the Chairman is absent, the Meeting shall elect a Chairman.



An agenda of the business of the meeting shall be prepared by the Secretary. This agenda shall be adhered to until its completion, unless a proposition to suspend standing orders is made and carried.



The agenda shall for all meetings provide (1) minutes of last meeting: (2) matters arising out of same: (3) correspondence: (4) financial statement etc.



Each speaker shall arise to address the chair and be limited in speaking to three minutes at Council meetings and five minutes at general meetings on each subject. A member shall not speak twice on any resolution submitted except the mover of the resolution under discussion and shall not be allowed to introduce fresh matter, asking or answering a question by permission of the chair shall not be considered as a speech.



In the event of a proposition "to proceed to next business" being moved and carried; it shall, after the proposer of an original proposition has been heard, be put to the vote. If agreed to, all other propositions on the subject shall be considered as disposed of. Once a subject has been discussed and voted on, it shall not again be introduced during the meeting.



No proposal or amendment shall be discussed unless it is seconded. No second amendment or rider shall be voted on until the first amendment is disposed of.



Every question shall be determined by a card vote.



In the event of a tie in voting, the Chairman shall have a casting vote.



In the event of the Chairman's count of any vote being challenged the Chairman will appoint tellers as may be necessary.



In the event of a point of order being raised, then the speaker shall resume their seat until the Chairman has given his decision.



The ruling of the chair shall be strictly obeyed, when the Chairman rises, any member then speaking shall resume their seat, but shall be allowed to continue after the Chairman has resumed sitting. 

In the event of anything transpiring not provided for in these Standing Orders, the Chairman of the meeting shall use discretion as to the best course to adopt in the interest of the League.





The combination of Clubs shall be called the ‘Birkenhead & Wirral Crown Green Bowling League’.



The objects of the league shall be: -

(a)   To further the interests of bowling generally.

(b)  To obtain uniformity in the game, as defined by the laws of the BCGBA under which rules all competitions shall be played.

(c)   To promote League and Cup Competitions.



(a)   The League shall be open to all bona fide Bowling Clubs directly affiliated to the British Crown Green Bowling Association and Wirral & District Crown Green Bowling Association.

(b)  Applications for membership shall be made in writing to the League Secretary to be received by January 14th of each year. Such application shall give the name of the Club, the names of its officers and the situation of the green. 

(c)   Clubs intending to resign their membership, or withdraw a team(s), must notify the League Secretary not later than January 14th of each year. Failure to comply with this rule renders the Club(s) concerned liable for all fees in respect of the forthcoming season. 

(d)  Any change of Club Secretary to be communicated to the League Secretary immediately the change is decided upon. Only Club Secretaries, or their appointed deputy in the Club Secretary’s absence, should contact the League Secretary.

(e)  The Code of Rules laid down by the League shall be binding on all constituent Clubs. 

(f)   If a Club has more than one team in the League and wishes to withdraw one it shall be their lowest ranking side.



(a)   The Officers of the League shall be a President, a Chairman, and a Financial Secretary. The Chairman and Financial Secretary shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.

(b)  A Management Committee comprising the Officers of the League and eight members elected at the Annual General Meeting shall act for the League on all matters of Government accord­ing to the rules of the League. Quorum = Five.

(c)   Any member of the Management Committee failing to attend three consecutive meetings without submitting an explanation acceptable to the Management Committee shall be declared no longer a member and the Committee may proceed to elect a successor. 

(d)  The Management Committee shall also be empowered to fill any vacancy which might arise during the course of the year. 

(e)  The Management Committee shall be empowered to elect sub-committees as they deem necessary. Their duties shall be defined at the time of election.

(f)   No member(s) of the Management Committee to be allowed in the Committee Room if the Club of which they are a member(s) is concerned in a protest, unless called upon to give evidence.

(g)  The Secretary shall keep minutes of the business conducted at all meetings. 



(a)   The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of December of each year for the election of a Management Committee, to approve the accounts and for the consideration of the rules.

(b)  At all meetings voting will be by "voting card" only and voting restricted to one delegate per CLUB, who must have been a registered player during the current year. Members of the Management Committee will not be entitled to vote (unless acting as their club representative) but the Chairperson will have a second voting card to be used in cases where the voting is equal. A delegate cannot represent more than one club. Any club failing to be represented shall be fined £5. 

(c)   Any registered player of the League may attend the Annual General Meeting in addition to the appointed delegates but shall not be entitled to speak or vote on any matter. 

(d)  In addition to the Management Committee, Notices of Motion, in writing, will only be accepted from Clubs for consideration at the Annual General Meeting. These must be received by not later than September 30th of each year after which all clubs will be circulated with a copy. Amendments to these Notices of Motion may be submitted by Clubs not later than October 31st of each year. 

(e)  Any Club may send a requisition in writing to the League Secretary to call a meeting of the Management Committee. Such requisition shall state the nature of the business to be brought forward and this shall be placed before the Committee, who, if they deem it of sufficient importance, shall instruct the Secretary to call a Special General Meeting of the Clubs. The notice shall state the nature of the business, and no other business shall be transacted at that meeting.

(f)   No alteration or addition to the Constitution and Rules of the League shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting in December, notice of which must be given to the Secretary in accordance with Rule 5g, or at a Special General Meeting as defined by Rule 5e. Only registered clubs will be entitled to vote upon any matter under discussion as defined by Rule 5b. No member of the Management Committee will be allowed to vote upon any item under discussion unless they are a nominated delegate from their club. No rule shall be altered or amended unless a majority decision is reached. 

(g)  Clubs shall receive seven days' notice of all Annual or Special General Meetings. 



(a)   The annual subscription for each team entered into the League shall be £80.00, payable by an initial instalment of £20.00 per Club in January of each year and a final payment in September of each year for any outstanding amount due by each Club. Clubs will receive an official invoice issued by the Financial Secretary at least fourteen days before the due date. Clubs outstanding in their payment after the due date will incur a fine of £5.00 plus £1.00 per week (or part) until settlement. 

(b)  The financial year shall end on the September 30th of each year and all payments due to the League shall be settled by that date. Clubs not complying will be fined £5.00 with a further £1.00 for each week (or part) that such payment remains unpaid.

(c)   The funds of the League shall be lodged in a local bank in the name of the League. All cheques shall bear the signature of two Officers of the League. 

(d)  The accounts of the League will be subject to an annual independent examination by a responsible person nominated by the Management Committee.





The Competition shall be governed by the Management Committee as defined by Constitution Rule 4b. 



(a)    Each Club intending to compete shall forward to the League Secretary the names of its players, alphabetically arranged and including BCGBA registration number, which must reach him on or before January 31st of each year. All players must also be individually affiliated to the Wirral & District Crown Green Bowling Association. Clubs outstanding in returning their list of registered players after the due date will incur a fine of £5.00 plus £1.00 per week (or part) until settlement.

(b)  A club will have 10 days to advise of a player’s BCGBA registration number after acceptance by the League Secretary.  Failure to comply with this rule will result in any games played by the offending player(s) becoming null and void with their opponent credited with 21 points.  Furthermore, a fine of £3.00 will be imposed for an unregistered player and the player’s registration will be suspended until the League Secretary is in receipt of the respective BCGBA number.

(c)   A player, having played for a Club during any season and who wishes to cancel their registration or transfer to another Club, may do so provided they notify their Club, in writing, on or before December 31st of each year and that their resignation is accepted by the said Club.

(d) The Management Committee expect a player to be registered for one Club only during a season but, in very exceptional circumstances, can agree a transfer prior to the start of a season providing the agreement of the parent Club is received in writing. A player who has not played for their Club by 31st May of each year can request a transfer, in writing, after this date. The Management Committee will only consider such a transfer request with the written consent of the parent Club. No player will be allowed to transfer their membership to another Club unless all financial obligations have been met.

(e)  No registration can be accepted without the consent of the League Secretary. A player must be registered before the day of a scheduled match. No registration can be accepted after the last day of July unless with the consent of the Management Committee.

(f)   The Management Committee is empowered to refuse or cancel the Registration of any Club or individual player whose behaviour, in its opinion, has brought the League or bowling into disrepute.

(g)  Any club who excludes a player from their premises, for any reason, must advise the League Secretary as soon as possible following the implementation of any exclusion and include full details. The League is not under any obligation to involve themselves in any dispute. 



(a)   The League shall consist of three, or more, divisions.  At the end of each season the top two teams in divisions below Division 1 shall be liable for promotion.  The bottom two, or more, teams in any division (with the exception of the lowest division) will be liable for demotion.  The Management Committee will have the power to restructure the divisions following the submission of Club Registrations in January of the following year.  All clubs will be notified of the league structure prior to the commencement of each season. 

(b)  All matches to be completed as published in the fixture list, or as agreed by the Management Committee.  Should a match not be played as scheduled, the offending team (or teams) will be fined £40 each. Breaches of this rule will be dealt with by the Committee, who shall have the power to penalise the offending team (or teams) further by fine or deduction of points.

(c)   Matches shall consist of home and away games, 21up, singles only. 

(d)  Two points to be awarded for an aggregate win and one for a tie. One point extra will be given to the club with the highest aggregate score over both matches on the two matches played home and away. In the event of a tie on the overall aggregate score of the two matches the extra point will be divided. Teams will be awarded one point for each winning jack.

(e)  In the event of a tie on points on completion of fixtures between teams interested in Championship, Runners-up or Relegation, the team with the most aggregate points will be placed in the higher position. If it still remains a tie on points, then the team who gained the aggregate point when the sides met will be placed in the higher position. If it still remains a tie, then a play-off will take place on the first available Monday (excluding Bank Holidays)/Friday immediately following confirmation of a tie on points. 

(f)   A prize shall be awarded to the player in each Division having the highest average score from their best six winning home games and best six winning away games in which they have played. In the event of more than one player qualifying, the prize to be divided at the discretion of the Management Committee. 



(a)    That the competing teams shall consist of twelve players a side. 

(b)  All players shall be drawn for, and in the event of full teams not being available at starting time a sufficient number must be drawn to ensure a prompt start at the times laid down by Matches Rule 10d.

(c)   No Club will be allowed to play an unregistered or ineligible player under a penalty of £3.00 for each offence and a reduction of all shots such a player shall have made, the opponent to be credited with 21 shots. 

(d)  No player can play on the same night for more than one team in the same division in the league.

(e)  Starting times for all matches shall be not later than – Weeknights 6.15pm (April, August & September), 6.30pm (May to July), Saturday 6.30pm.

(f)   Fifteen minutes after all starting times, the minimum number of jacks on the green shall be four. Any team not having sufficient players to occupy the green by the required number shall, on the claim of the opposing Captain, forfeit 21 points for each player absent. Any player absent must be shown as 'Absent' on the match sheet. Any player not available when called on the green will be substituted and thereafter will not be allowed to participate in the match.

(g)  Each player shall select a marker, and it shall be the duty of the home player's marker to seek out and check their cards every three ends with the visiting player's marker. No game shall commence until this has been done.

(h)  The visiting player shall have first throw of the jack. No visiting player shall be permitted to play on the green on the day of the match, prior to the match. No player can play twice in the same match.

(i)   No match is to be the called off before 5pm on the day of play and can only be done by the home team.

(j)   In the event of any match being abandoned or postponed it is the responsibility of the home team to advise the League Secretary, within 24 hours, that the scheduled match was not played/completed. Any match abandoned or postponed must be played/completed on the next available Monday/Friday.

(k)   Any match which has started and is unable to finish, finished games will stand and unfinished games to be resumed, where left off, by the same players. Should a player from an unfinished game not be available on the re-arranged date, under rule 10(j), a substitute player may take over from where left off with the match card/website entry showing only the name of the player who completed the game. To complete any remaining games, a club can use a player who has not already played in the original fixture or been used as a substitute, even if cards had already been drawn. 

(l)   Failure to comply with 10i will result in a £5 fine. 

(m) Clubs shall ensure that their match result is entered accurately on the league website, in the correct playing order, within two days of the match being completed. Clubs shall retain all the match sheets for all of their teams until the end of the season in case of any query.   In the event that a club does not have internet access, the winning team shall forward the result sheet, duly signed by both captains to the League Secretary which must be received within three days of the match being completed (excluding Sundays/Bank Holidays). A fine of £1.00 will be imposed for each failure to carry out this rule.

(n)  The Management Committee have the power to fine or ban from the league any team found to have falsified the result of a match.  Any fine of £10.00 to be imposed to the offending team or teams.



(a)   Clubs with ‘B’ Teams shall star at least ten first team players who shall not be eligible to play in any ‘B’ and ‘C’ team match. Clubs with ‘C’ Teams shall star an additional ten players who shall not be eligible to play in any ‘C’ team match. No ‘A’ team cup Starred Player will be permitted to play in any ‘C’ team league match.

(b)  These names to be forwarded to the League Secretary no later than 31st January of each year. Once Starred Players have been submitted no alteration can be made except as agreed by the Management Committee.  Clubs outstanding in returning their list of registered players after the due date will incur a fine of £5.00 plus £1.00 per week (or part) until settlement.

(c)   All Starred Players to be approved by the Management Committee who have the authority to add players, who in their opinion, should come under the Starred Player status.

(d)  A Club must submit an additional player for each player who has not played at least twice in their team's first six league matches. A player who has not played sufficient games will remain starred. The Management Committee to have the final decision on nominated players.



(a)    All League Competition rules, where applicable, shall apply.

(b)    All competitions will be run on a handicap format. Handicaps will be decided by the Management Committee whose decision is final.

(c)    The preliminary and first round of the Cup Competitions are to be drawn together at the start of the season. The following rounds, up to and including the semi-final, will then be drawn after each round.

(d)  The result of each match will be decided by aggregate which includes any handicap awarded.

(e)  All teams will be included in the Cec Hannay Rose Bowl.

(f)   All preliminary and first round losers in the Cec Hannay Rose Bowl are eligible to compete for the Cartwright Cup.

(g)  Any team who does not wish to be included in the Cartwright Cup must notify the League Secretary, in writing, within three days following the scheduled date of the Cec Hannay Rose Bowl Preliminary Round.

(h)  Any team that withdraws from a cup competition will incur a fine of £20.  Any team that has played and defeated a team in any cup competition and then fails to play their next round match will not be permitted to enter the following season’s cup competitions.

(i)   In the event of a tie between two competing teams, the match shall be replayed in its entirety, by arrangement, on the same green if available.

(j)   A player cannot play in both the Cec Hannay Rose Bowl and Cartwright Cup on the same day or play for more than one team within their club in the same round. Any transgression of this rule will result in the game being awarded to his opponent, in the second match played by the offending player, 21 nil.

(k)   A player must be registered before the semi-final round of a cup competition to be eligible to compete in a competition. A player must have played at least three league matches for their club to be eligible to play in the semi-final and final stages of a competition. Any transgression of this rule will result in the game being awarded to his opponent, in the second match played by the offending player, 21 nil.

(l)   All matches to be played on neutral greens and it is down to the host club to say if a green is fit for play. Once a green has been declared no practice is allowed by any player of the competing teams, except in an authorised match or competition.  Any player found in breach of this rule will render them self ineligible to play in the match.

(m) When their green is selected for a tie, clubs shall provide standard jacks, footers, a 19 metre measuring tape and all facilities for the playing of the game. Failure to comply will result in a £10.00 fine.

(n)  Clubs entering more than one team shall star two additional players for each extra team.  No starred player to play in a team of a lower grading.

(o)  That the competing teams shall have equal number of leads with the jack. The two captains to toss at the commencement. Odd numbers in one team, even numbers in other team.

(p)  Both of the Competition Finalists shall submit their teams, in order of play, to the League Secretary when requested. The game shall start not later than 6.30pm. In special circumstances, Management Committee approval may be given to amend starting times.

(q)  The Dress Code will be adhered to for all finals.

  • Trousers shall be full length, single coloured (no track suits, shell suits, denims or combat trousers).
  • Tailored Shorts: knee length, single-coloured shorts.
  • Shirts shall be collared and sleeved, long or short.
  • No inappropriate use of weather protection clothing.
  • Suitable footwear must be worn. Hard or block-heeled footwear or open-toed footwear must not be worn whilst on the green.



(a)   The trophies shall be the property of the Birkenhead & Wirral Crown Green Bowling League.

(b)  The trophies will be presented to the winners at each of the cup finals in order that photographs may be taken but must then be immediately returned to the League for safe keeping.

(c)   Winning teams and runners-up shall receive prize money as determined by the Management Committee which will be presented at the Annual General Meeting.



The league will adopt the Disciplinary Guidelines of the British Crown Green Bowling Association and Wirral & District Crown Green Bowling Association.



The League has a duty of care to all players to ensure matches are played in a friendly, enjoyable, and sporting manner. Physical violence and/or intimidation/harassment in any form of opposition players, beyond what is acceptable as friendly banter, will not be tolerated. Should any complaint of such be lodged with the League Secretary, it will be viewed very seriously and could, at the worst, lead to the suspension of any club/players(s) involved.


Similarly, any physical violence and/or intimidation/harassment of any League/Club Official will be treated in the same manner.



(a)   The Management Committee are the sole interpreters of these rules. 

(b)  The Management Committee have the power to amend any rules which do not change the meaning of a rule. 

(c)   Any request deemed frivolous by the Management Committee will be subject to a fine of £10.


Amended at the League AGM on 7th December 2022