Mkt Drayton Bowling League 2024

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To view the current Single Administration officers click on the Single Administration Officers Link


President Wendy Icke

Whitchurch & District Bowling League & Market Drayton & District Bowling League

Extraordinary General Meeting

Held on Wednesday 25th January 2023 8.15pm at Archibald Worthington Club

Minutes of the meeting


            Chairman                President                                                  Chairman                   President

            Phil Scott                Isobel Jones                                             Eddie Broad              Brian Allen



On behalf of the working party Graham Sayers led the discussion on the first 2 items and the election of officers for the North Shropshire Crown Green Bowls Association. (NSCGBA)


1. Graham asked the meeting whether there were any questions arising from the draft constitution that had been proposed for the new administration. As there were no matters arising the clubs were asked to vote on this Votes in favour 36, votes against 0. Carried unanimously.


2. In terms of the rules Graham explained that the amendments that had been passed from the AGM would be incorporated into the new rules. He then opened the floor to questions. As there were no matters arising, the clubs were asked to vote on the rules. Votes in favour 36, votes against 0. Carried unanimously.


3. Election of Officers for NSCGBA. Nominations had been received for all posts with the exception of the Referees delegate and the Junior delegate. No further nominations were received on the evening. Graham then informed the meeting of the nominations for each post and asked for the floor to vote the Management Committee en-block. Votes in favour 36, votes against 0. Carried unanimously.


As we now had a chairman in place Graham handed over to Phil Scott to continue with the rest of the meeting.


  1. a.      Junior County Selectors – Phil Scott/Isobel Jones (ppd. R Proudlove, sec Paul Welburn)  
  2. b.     Senior Interleague WDBL - Jamie Brookes to organise 2 teams (ppd. P Scott, sec R Haynes)  
  3. c.      Senior Interleague MDBL - Gary Whitehall (ppd. J Brookes, sec J Hazeldine)            
  4. d.     JuniorInterleague Selectors - Richard Proudlove, Simon Fullard, Paul Fenwick, Marie Scott, Isobel Jones (ppd. P Scott, sec J Brookes)   
  5. Veterans Interleague Captain - Management Committee to source 2 teams (ppd. R Proudlove, sec J Brookes)  


4. Honorarium Proposals

  1. Secretary £2500 proposed A Latham, Seconded J Brookes. Management group to discuss splitting this proportionately between the 2 leagues. Report back at the next Executive meeting
  2. Treasurer £1500 proposed by Management Committee, seconded B Pritchard (Ellesmere) Management group to discuss splitting this proportionately between the 2 leagues. Report back at the next Executive meeting
  3. Competition Secretary – Proposal to be prepared for the next Executive meeting in March


5. Match Fees – Proposal to reduce Whitchurch League Fees from 50p to 40p and increase Market Drayton league Fees from 30p to 40p for 2023. Seconded by A Latham (Nantwich Park Road) Votes for 36, Votes again 0 carried unanimously.


The meeting ended at 8.42pm


Chris Sayers 26/02/2023