South Lakeland Rural 2018

There are 9 Matches with a Walk Over

Matches with Walk Overs
DateDivisionHome TeamAway TeamPosHome PlayerAway Player
Fri 6th JulSLRBL SouthBurton in LonsdaleMilnthorpe6Tony Blood
Fri 10th AugSLRBL SouthHolmeAllithwaite1 David Pendlebury
Fri 10th AugSLRBL SouthHolmeAllithwaite2 Carole Jackson
Fri 10th AugSLRBL SouthHolmeAllithwaite3 Frank Jordon
Fri 10th AugSLRBL SouthHolmeAllithwaite4 Pat Donnelly
Fri 10th AugSLRBL SouthHolmeAllithwaite5 Ian Harrison
Fri 10th AugSLRBL SouthHolmeAllithwaite6 Susan Harrison
Fri 10th AugSLRBL SouthHolmeAllithwaite7 Erica Watson
Fri 10th AugSLRBL SouthHolmeAllithwaite8 Gillian Yates

Clubs with Walk Overs


Teams with Walk Overs

SLRBL SouthHolme8
SLRBL SouthMilnthorpe1

Teams Received a Walk Over

SLRBL SouthAllithwaite8
SLRBL SouthBurton in Lonsdale1