Whitchurch Bowling League 2024

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To view the current Single Administration officers click on the Single Administration Officers Link 


President Isobel Jones


Whitchurch & District Bowling League & Market Drayton & District Bowling League Joint Annual General Meeting

Held on Wednesday 25th January 2023 7.00pm at Archibald Worthington Club

Minutes of the meeting


            Chairman                President                                                  Chairman                   President

            Phil Scott                Isobel Jones                                             Eddie Broad              Brian Allen


1. Whitchurch League Chairman Phil Scott wished all in attendance a happy new year and welcomed everyone to the meeting, noting that this meeting was different to previous years, as we were running a joint AGM of 2 North Shropshire leagues for the first time.


2. All 36 clubs from both leagues were in attendance. Apologies were received from Wendy Icke, Ed Proudlove, and Sue Palin.


3. A minutes silence held in memory of departed members and friends.




  1. Presidents Report: Isobel Jones started by wishing everyone a happy and healthy new year, and thanked both the sponsors Stubbs Parkin and the league officials for their continued support and hard work. She noted that in 1936 WDBL started with 4 teams, Bridgewater, Chester Road, Archibald Worthington, and Malpas, and today we have 36 clubs and 86 teams playing each week so we have come a long way. Tonight we may witness WDBL & MDBL joining forces in terms of administration which she thought was the only way to go. Continued thanks must go to all the clubs groundsmen who prepare the greens for us every week, alongside the Captains. The Annual presentation dinner was enjoyed by all who attended. Isobel concluded by wishing everyone a successful season and thanked everyone for their support.
  2. 2022 Minutes – Proposed by Isobel Jones, seconded by Roger Haynes that the minutes be adopted, no matters arising.
  3. Chairmans report – sent in advance no matters arising.
  4. Secretaries report – sent in advance no matters arising.
  5. Treasurers report and balance sheet – Peter Lawrence explained to the meeting why he had chosen to compare 2019 figures with those of 2022 as he felt these were a better comparison that the 2 years we have had through Covid. He said he was disappointed with the small profit and even though the match fees went up to 50p , sponsorship was more difficult to come by and there was not as much advertising going on.  He also explained that there had been more expenditure on the trophies this year, as some needed upgrading and repairing and the engraving needing bringing up to date. As this has now been done, he didn’t anticipate as much expenditure in the coming year. He noted that £400 in prize money had remained unclaimed and so this has been donated to various charities as the rules dictate. Going forward Peter said that the Annual Dinner and the Competitions must be looked at as we couldn’t sustain a loss year on year in this area. It was agreed that the Management team would look at both these areas as a matter of urgency. As there we no questions from the floor it was proposed by A Latham (Nantwich Park Road) and Seconded by A Hine (Whixall) that the accounts be adopted.
  6. Competitions Secretaries report – sent in advance no matter arising.
  7. Proposed Rule Changes and Voting – see separate document.



  1. Presidents Report: Brian Allen in his last year as president thanked everyone for all their hard work, particularly the committee, and he wished everyone good luck in the new adventure of the single administration.
  2. 2022 Minutes – Proposed by A Latham (Nantwich Park Road) and Seconded by S Fullard (Tilstock) that the minutes be adopted, no matters arising.
  3. Chairmans report – sent in advance no matters arising.
  4. Secretaries report – sent in advance no matters arising.
  5. Treasurer’s Report and balance sheet - sent in advance and as there were no questions from the floor, it was proposed by Marie Scott (Hanmer) and seconded by Pat Davies (Wem) that the accounts be adopted.


As Brian was retiring from his position as treasurer after 20 + years, Chairman Eddie Broad presented Brian with a few gifts in recognition of his hard work over the years.


6. County Delegates Report – Sent in advance no questions or matters arising.


7. GDPR & Safeguarding – Phil Scott reminded clubs to book their appointments for the DBS checks to be carried out. If clubs were unable to book online then there would be opportunity to do this at the SCGBA AGM on 4th  February 2023 at Sinclair Bowling Club. He also indicated that Rob Burroughs would become the new Safeguarding officer for Shropshire if approved at the AGM.


8. Referees report - Sent in advance no questions or matters arising.


9. BCGBA Report – 2 reports sent in advance. Phil Scott also reported on the latest meeting held on Saturday 21st January, stating that Club Fees have risen from £35 - £40 , Open Competition certificates would now cost £10, Navy Trousers would now become part of the dress code. No proposals will now be accepted without a seconder.


10 VOTE for SINGLE ADMINISTRATION - 36 votes for

                                                                          0 votes against       Carried Unanimously                                                                     


The meeting closed at 7.55 pm


Chris Sayers 26/01/2023