Whitchurch Bowling League 2024

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To view the current Single Administration officers click on the Single Administration Officers Link 


President Isobel Jones



Thu 30th May 19 results from 19 Matches
Tue 4th Jun 21 Matches
Thu 6th Jun 20 Matches
Fri 7th Jun 1 Match

To all clubs: 

Please note that the temporary extension of 28 days to rearrange games due to the awful weather we had at the start of the season has now ended. Any matches that needs to be rearranged must be played within 14 days. 


Latest News:


Sat 27th Apr

Please note: 

All competitors playing individual/doubles/triples league competitions must have played 6 games by the end of the season to be able to receive trophy/ prize money. 

Please see competition rule 4.1 

Thank you. 

Important Dates:


Wed 19th Jun @ 7pm

Jubilee Doubles and Consolation - Quarter Finals 

You will need to have played 6 league games to be eligible to play in this round.

Sat 13th Jul @ 10am

NSCGBA Newbie Competition.

Venue: Adderley BC, 10am start £5 entry fee

This is open to bowlers who have only just started playing with the last 2 seasons. Last year, this was played in a round robin format followed by a knockout for the qualifiers from the groups.

This was very popular last year so please spread the word to new bowlers as this is a great opportunity.

Please send entries to Jack Hazeldine or email compsecnscgba@outlook.com 

Sun 21st Jul @ 10am


NSCGBA St Alkmund's Compeition.

Pairs competition which is draw for partners on the day.

Venue: Bridgewater BC, Whitchurch 

Entries to Jack Hazeldine or email compsecnscgba@outlook.com 

Wed 31st Jul @ 7pm

Jubilee Doubles and Conslation - Semi Finals

You will need to have played 6 league games to be eligible to play in this round.

Wed 7th Aug @ 7pm

Shropshire Star & Presidents Cup - Round 1

You will need to have played 5 league games to be eligible to play in this round.

Sat 10th Aug 10am


Pairings must be made up of 2 plates from the above categories. Each category is run as separate competitions on the day. 

10am start 

Venue: Edgmond BC

Send entries to Jack Hazeldine or email compsecnscgba@outlook.com 

Mon 12th Aug @ 10am

NSCGBA John Barber Veterans Cup. 10am start.

This competition is only open to players over 60 years of age who play in either the Whitchurch or Market Drayton League.

Venue: Audlem BC

Please send entries to Jack Hazeldine or email compsecnscgba@outlook.com 

Sat 17th Aug @ 7pm

Jubilee Doubles - Finals Night. Venue TBC

You will need to have played 6 league games to be eligible to play in this round.

Sun 18th Aug @ 10am

NSCGBA Triples Competition

This compeition is for teams of 3 players of which all must play in the Whitchurch or Mkt Drayton league.

Venue: Nantwich Park Road BC

Please send entries to Jack Hazeldine or email compsecnscgba@outlook.com 

Wed 21st Aug @ 7pm

Shropshire Star & Presidents Cup - Quarter Finals

You will need to have played 6 league games to be eligible to play in this round.

Wed 4th Sep @ 7pm

Shropshire Star & Presidents Cup - Semi Finals

You will need to have played 6 league games to be eligible to play in this round.

Sat 14th Sep @ 7pm

Shropshire Star & Presidents Cup -  Finals Night. Venue TBC

You will need to have played 6 league games to be eligible to play in this round.

Sat 14th Sep @ 10am

NSCGBA Merit Competitions (Ladies, U18s, U21s and U25s). Venue TBC.

Earler News:


Sat 27th Apr

Please note: 

All competitors playing individual/doubles/triples league competitions must have played 6 games by the end of the season to be able to receive trophy/ prize money. 

Please see competition rule 4.1 

Thank you. 

Fri 26th Apr

Due to there being more teams than expected in the Jubilee Doubles Consolation, a new date for an extra round will need to be added. I will communicate this as soon as it is sorted. Thank you.