Mkt Drayton Bowling League 2024

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President Wendy Icke

Market Drayton & District Bowling League Annual General Meeting

held on Wednesday 12th January 2022 7.00pm over a ZOOM call.


The President, Brian Allen opened the meeting and welcomed everyone wishing then a happy and safe New Year.


Apologies were received from Calverhall Bowling Club – also not in attendance: AWC & Cheswardine


There was a minutes silence held in memory of departed members and friends.


Minutes of the 2021 AGM had been circulated. There were no matters arising, so these were accepted as a true record.


President’s Report:  Brian Allen 

Brian started by thanking everyone for their hard work in getting the season & some bowling underway. He commented that in 2019 we had 30 clubs and 73 teams and last season we had 27 clubs and 55 teams. He also notes that we had made some rule changes to allow players in the lower divisions to play twice which had been appreciated by the clubs. He thanked all players that had taken part and helped to keep the league running, and he wished everyone a good season in 2022.


Chairman’s Report: Eddy Broad

Eddy started by noting that this time last year we were planning for a bowling season that we were not sure was going to happen at all, but in fact we did go ahead, and it went very well. Zoom meetings were well attended, and Eddie thanked everyone for their co-operation and support. The team knockouts had gone well, thanks to both Hodnet and Wollerton for hosting the finals. Thanks also to the green keepers, and Angela and her team for the catering and to Will Hare for refereeing. Congratulations went to all the prize winners, and to Wendy our county president who has had a very busy year. She selected Nantwich Park Road as the venue for the county merit, and they did us proud. Everything was SPOT ON, the green, the organisation, and the catering. The bowling was good, and the icing on the cake was the title being won by a North Shropshire bowler Jack Hewitt.


Looking forward we now have our 3 representatives to participate in the Joint Administration discussions. Eddie thanked Chris Caldecott, Paul Fenwick and Will Hare for stepping forward. If anyone else was interested, then please put their names forward.


Finally Eddy thanked all the committee members for their work and support this year, in particular the secretaires, Chris & Graham for the tremendous amount of work that they have done at no financial benefit to themselves.  Eddie was sure that the charities they have selected have been very appreciative of the generous donation.


League secretary’s Report: Chris & Graham

Chris & Graham started by saying that they had a baptism of fire in their first year as secretaries as no one could have predicted the situation that we would find ourselves in. They also wanted to say thank you to the secretaries of all the clubs for their co-operation and flexibility in getting all the fixtures rearranged etc, so that we got to the end of the season in one piece. They felt it was a real team effort from everyone.  


Treasurer’s Report:  Brian Allen

Brian presented the Accounts for 2021 (which had been sent in advance with the agenda etc for the meeting). There were no questions from the floor.


County Delegate’s Report: Eddy Broad

Eddy reported that the County had invested in a new website which would hopefully be up and running in by the end of the month. Information should be far easier to access. The cost of this is £2000 but it will be money well spent if it improves the communication and helps to spread the word about what is happening. On the Finance side there is about £15000 in the bank but it is estimated that the county need £20,000 to run comfortably. To enable them to pay improved honoraria and invest in Junior bowling and coaching, the proposal is to increase the players contribution from £2 - £3 year, which I hope will be supported at the AGM. County competitions produced a profit of £21, despite once again a loss being made on the Midland Masters. The committee have written to the Midland Masters to ask for a change of format, as they cannot continually support a loss. The county will pull out if this is not resolved.

After deciding not to enter the mens National Team Knockout the players said they would pay their own costs, so the decision was reversed. All county competitions must be self-financing going forward.

£4000 sponsorship has been received for the mens county team for the next 4 years. As yet there is no sponsor for the Junior Team

The Big Bowls Weekend proved successful with several Drayton League clubs taking part and recruiting new members. Overall, there were 200 new players registered and it is proposed to hold another big Bowls weekend on 27-29th May

There were 16 new coaches this year making nearly 50 in total, and another course is planned at Nantwich Park Road before the start of the season.

The new Deputy president is Mike Jones from Newport & Hodnet. The position of president and Deputy president are to be made less onerous and become more of a figurehead and not expected to attend meetings unless they wished to.  


Rules and Constitution:

Rule Changes which were sent in advance of the meeting were voted on and all approved.  

Constitution changes were voted on and approved.



Nominations for the committee. None received


Election of Officers for 2022:     

President                            Brian Allen 

Vice President                     Wendy Icke

Chairman                           Eddie Broad

Vice Chair                           Will Hare

League secretary                 Graham & Chris Sayers

Treasurer                            Brian Allen

Competition secretary          VACANT

Welfare Officer                    Will Hare

Shropshire Junior Selector    Isobel Jones

County Delegates                Eddie Broad & Mandi Hare

Management Committee:     Angela Heath, Neil Morris, Peter Hunter (ex-officio)


Honorariums 2022:  Proposed by Eddy Broad and seconded by Angela Heath that honoraria be increase by 5% for this season.


Applications and withdrawals:

One application was received from Llangollen Bowling club to joining the league in 2022. 2 representatives were on the zoom call to present their case. Following this the AGM attendees were asked to vote on this. The result was 40% for 60% against them joining. Secretary Chris was asked to convey this news to Llangollen the following day.

All clubs are reminded that they must let the secretaries know how many teams they are entering in the Market Drayton League and the doubles competitions no later than 31st March 2022.


Prize Money, Competition and Match Fees:

The Management Committee propose that the Division Prize Money, competition entry fees and Match fees stay the same subject to the number of teams in the leagues remaining the same. Competition prize money will depend on entries.

Current League Prize money is £150, £100, £50
Competition fees £5

Match fees £3 per team per match.

For the coming season all doubles competition matches will be played on Neutral greens.


The meeting closed at 8.25 pm