Ellesmere Port Bowling League 2024


 Allen Jones Tony Edwards Mark Jones Phil Flinn Paul Lewis

Ellesmere Port & Neston Bowling League

Annual General Meeting to be held at Groves Sports & Social Club on Tuesday 16th January 2024 – 7pm start

In accordance with league rules all clubs should be represented at the AGM, each club is entitled to be represented by two of its members, each with voting powers. If only one representative is present he/she shall have two votes.



  1. Opening of the Meeting by the Chairman. (The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming all attending and wishing them well for 2024. He congratulated all the teams on their successes and for their efforts during 2023 season and stated that the League only succeeds due to the efforts and contributions of the clubs. He finished by wishing everyone well for the 2024 season.)

  2. Absent Friends. (A period of silence was observed in remembrance for bowlers who we’d lost since the previous AGM)

  3. Apologies for Absence. (Alan Vickers)

  4. Roll Call. (All clubs present except Albany, Lever Club & Levers Park)

  5. Election of Officers. (The meeting was asked If anyone wished to put their name forward to take on a League Committee role, no offers were forthcoming so the current committee were asked If they would be willing to stand again to which all agreed.)

Current Officers – President - Allen Jones (Unchanged)

Chairman - Tony Edwards (Unchanged)

Vice Chairman - Mark Jones (Unchanged)

Secretary - Phil Flynn (Unchanged)

Treasurer - Paul Lewis (Unchanged)

Auditor - Vacant (Unchanged)


  1. Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting (Emailed prior to the AGM to club secretaries). (2023’s AGM minutes were accepted as a true record)

  2. Matters Arising. (There were no matters arising)

  3. Correspondence (including any Applications and Resignations). ( The secretary said that he’d received correspondence from Bromborough Social stating that the were withdrawing from both the Midweek and Friday Leagues. He also stated that he’d received applications from 6 new teams to join the Veterans League comprising of A new club application from Port Sunlight for 2 teams, Port Sunlight and Port Sunlight A and applications for additional teams from 4 existing clubs, Hoylake Central A, Hoylake Marine A, Magazine A who all would play home games on Mondays, All were accepted. West Kirby Vics stated they wished to add a C team and asked that due to having 2 teams alternating on Mondays that the C team be allowed to play home games on Tuesdays. West Kirby Vics C were also accepted into the League)

  4. Treasurers Financial Report. (The Treasurer produced a detailed balance sheet and stated that generally the leagues finances were in good condition. The expected 2024 starting balance was predicted after prize payments to show a loss of about £100 on the 2023 figure but considering the League purchased a new 4th Division Vets League shield at £70 and there were the postage costs of distributing BCGBA & Cheshire handbooks then the state of League finances were pretty reasonable)

  5. Presentation of Trophies and Prizes. (The Chairman presented the trophies and prizes to the teams)

  6. Rule amendments. (see below)

  7. Closure of the Meeting by the Chairman (Before the Chairman closed the meeting the Treasurer asked to speak to pay tribute to Joe Rowe, who had passed away recently. The Treasurer went on by stating that Joe had supported and served the Ellesmere Port Leagues for many many years, as a playing member of numerous clubs and also by serving on the league committee as President and Chairman of the League and that the recognition of Joe’s contribution should be highlighted. The Chairman then closed the meeting at 8.25).


Rule Amendments

Ellesmere Port & Neston Bowling League Proposals for 2024


Proposition from Little Sutton Bowling Club


To amend the Scoring System to encourage Clubs to Create Larger Teams thereby increasing membership and secure the longer term future of The Game:



  • Over the past 15 years the number of paid-up members of clubs affiliated to Bowls England has fallen by 44,290 to 91,494.That’s a fall of over nearly 33%

  •  More than 100 affiliated clubs have disappeared in the past 4 years.

  • At County level and more locally we have seen clubs close, greens turn into housing developments and member numbers seriously fall.

  • These no’s reflect competitive bowlers as no data is available for social members but local knowledge would suggest that with a small number of exceptions, clubs are struggling to recruit at all levels.

  • In recent years, to avoid the increasing number of “walkovers”, teams have been allowed to permit players to participate in both the singles and doubles element of games. Whilst this has served well in reducing the numbers of void games, in doing so it has created a situation where clubs are not incentivised to field larger teams. Indeed, teams are rewarded by fielding smaller teams.

  • Captains are creating winning teams from a small nucleus of 6/8 experience players rather than be encouraged to recruit players with little or no experience. The idea of having a 12-member team is very much the exception rather than the rule.

  • This mindset needs to change if we are to encourage wider membership and to encourage clubs to explore a wider range of avenues to increase the appeal of the game locally.

  • If smaller teams are seen to be successful and a scoring system rewards this, then a continued decline in player numbers in inevitable.

  • One of the aims of the League is to widen the appeal of bowling within the local community thereby increasing membership.

  • All aspects of the Game should be aligned to encourage a broader membership.

  • Whilst Little Sutton Friday A Team has been referred to in the example – it is merely to highlight the issue as the principle would be the same for any team with these stats. In presenting at the AGM I would avoid making reference to specific teams - only league positions.

  • A team can field 6 relatively strong players and “double” them up for the doubles matches.

  • This places them in a much more favourable position when playing team of 10/12 players with a wider spectrum of skill level. It is inevitable that a larger team will have a number of relatively weaker players who face up to stronger opponents in the doubles matches.

  • The top 3 teams in the Friday League as at 25th August 2023 play with an average of 6 – 9 players. Little Sutton “A” has an average of 11.6.

  • This issue has been observed in our Club and can be seen to drive the wrong behaviours by Captains.

  • There is little incentive for smaller teams from a performance perspective, to promote the game within their local community.

  • From a financial perspective, it could also be argued that through the levy system, those with larger (weaker) teams are contributing more, and those with smaller “successful “teams are gaining more through their league positions.

  • I believe there is little performance incentive for some teams to increase their squad next year, but I would suggest if they continue in this manner, they won’t have a team in 3 years.

  • The current League tables do not reflect the success of clubs in expanding their membership and do not encourage the right behaviours in doing so.


Please find attached figures which I hope are self-explanatory. (Friday League Team Averages).Figures were collated for the Friday league only and as at 24.8.23



  • Offer a Bonus System based on the number of players used in a game. The principle being that teams are rewarded positively for fielding larger teams.

  • Retain the current system of 1 point for an individual win and 2 for the aggregate.

  • Allocate say, an extra 4 points for fielding 10 players.

  • Allocate say, an extra 6 points for fielding 12 players.

  • This would not affect teams wishing to participate in the League with smaller teams,  and would allow them to avoid void games.  It would however drive them to recruit if they are performance led.

Points to Consider

        This issue affects all leagues currently adopting the principle of “doubling up” for the Doubles matches .i.e. vets.  •

Does the current software allow for the proposed changes and if not how much would it cost to have it amended?  •

If successful, should this proposition be made at County level? i.e. 2025 season.  •


As an aside I am unable to find the relevant section in the League Rules, as the website only includes the ladies details? I am assuming it will be Section 7?


1.       Friday League score Between Little Sutton and Woodlands


2.       Average Player no’s Friday league as at 25th August 2023.

Many thanks. 



Little Sutton Crown Green Bowling Club

(The representative from Little Sutton addressed the meeting about their proposal. He did apologise firstly for the length of their proposal but went on to explain about what they were hoping it would achieve. During his address some of the delegates asked questions and expressed a general uncertainty with the complexities of the proposal with some doubt whether the Leagues website would even be able to cope with the new proposed scoring method if passed.

Little Suttons proposal was seconded and a vote was taken, which resulted in the proposal being defeated).


Proposal from West Kirby Vics


It is perfectly feasible at this juncture to find that a team can 'win' all of their games in the Veterans League and not win the league. It has actually happened to us before in the Wallasey Evening Bowls League.


I would therefore like to propose a change to the Veterans League scoring procedures in rule 7.13 that will reward a winning team. This would bring it into line with the evening leagues. I do have a seconder to this proposal if one is needed at this juncture.


The proposed change is in addition to the 9 points available in each match, we propose awarding 2 points to the winner of the total team points aggregate on the day of the match.






(The West Kirby Vics delegate addressed the meeting to explain the reasoning behind their proposal in more detail. After a brief discussion the motion was seconded and a vote taken resulting in the proposal being passed).


Ellesmere Port & Neston Bowling League

Annual General Meeting to be held at Groves Sports & Social Club on Tuesday 17th January 2023 – 7pm start

In accordance with league rules all clubs should be represented at the AGM, each club is entitled to be represented by two of its members, each with voting powers. If only one representative is present he/she shall have two votes.



  1. Opening of the Meeting by the Chairman. (Chairman was absent and sent his apologies)
  2. Absent Friends. (Diane Alcock, Dave Rowlands)
  3. Apologies for Absence. (Allen Jones, Mark Jones, Paul Horner)
  4. Roll Call. (All clubs present except Woodland BC and Harrison Park)
  5. Election of Officers.

  Current Officers – President  -  Vacant (Allen Jones)

                                    Chairman  -  Allen Jones (Tony Edwards)

                                    Vice Chairman  -  Mark Jones (Mark Jones)

                                    Secretary  -  Phil Flynn (Phil Flynn)

                                    Treasurer  -  Paul Lewis (Paul Lewis)

                                    Auditor  -  Vacant (Vacant)

  Allen Jones was replaced as Chairman by Tony Edwards, Allen Jones becoming League President. All other league officer positions remained unaltered)


  1. Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting (Emailed prior to the AGM to club secretaries). (2022 AGM minutes were accepted as a true record)
  2. Matters Arising. (There were no matters arising)
  3. Correspondence (including any Applications and Resignations).

  (Application from Aston BC to join the Friday League which was accepted. Applications to join the Veterans League were received from Magazine BC, Thingwall BC, Kings      BC, Burton & Puddington BC and a 2nd team from Oxton Cons BC. Magazine and Burton & Puddington were accepted. Kings accepted with the proviso that they will meet    their Cheshire and Safeguarding requirements. Thingwall were unrepresented at the AGM but were provisionally accepted subject to confirming their commitment to join.    Thingwall have since stated that they have withdrawn their application. Oxton Cons application for a 2nd team was withdrawn by their representative at the AGM)

  1. Treasurers Financial Report. (The Treasurer produced a detailed balance sheet and stated that generally the leagues finances were in reasonable condition with the 2022 balance showing a slight balance increase of a few pounds on 2021. He also stated that there was a discrepancy of £2.20 in the accounts that he could not find despite his best efforts. The meeting accepted the treasurers report and balance sheet)
  2. Presentation of Trophies and Prizes. (The new Chairman presented the trophies and prizes to the teams)
  3. Rule amendments (see below).
  4. Closure of the Meeting by the Chairman. (The meeting was closed by the Chairman at 8.45pm)



Rule Amendments

Ellesmere Port & Neston Bowling League Proposals for 2023


Proposed by the League Committee

Clarification of rule


Rule 5.15 was amended at the 2020 Ellesmere Port AGM. The amendment read as follows..


Amend prize money percentages for evening leagues, whilst they are each one division.

 1st 25%, 2nd 20%, 3rd 15%, 4th 12.5%, 5th 10%, 6th 7.5 %, 7th & 8th 5% each. 


The current rule as written needs extra clarification as the amendment only refers to “Evening Leagues” and makes no mention of Veterans League. As such the old rule still stands for prize division in the Veterans League


Current rule reads as..


5.15 The league prize money to be shared between the first eight (8) teams in all divisions of ten teams or more. The percentage split to be 1st 25%, 2nd 20%, 3rd 15%, 4th 12.5%, 5th 10%, 6th 7.5 %, 7th & 8th 5% each. Divisions of less than ten teams, the split shall be 40%, 25%, 20%, 15%.


Updated rule to read as..


5.15 The league prize money to be shared between the first eight (8) teams in all divisions of ten teams or more in the Evening Leagues. The percentage split to be 1st 25%, 2nd 20%, 3rd 15%, 4th 12.5%, 5th 10%, 6th 7.5 %, 7th & 8th 5% each. Divisions of less than ten teams, the split shall be between the top 4 teams 40%, 25%, 20%, 15%. The league prize money in the Veterans League shall be shared between the first five (5) teams in all divisions of ten teams or more. The percentage split to be 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 10%. Divisions of less than ten teams, the split shall be between the top 4 teams 40%, 25%, 20%, 15%. (The treasurer explained the clarification of this rule and the delegates agreed to the rule being updated)


Proposed by the League Committee

Current rule


2. Membership


2.5 Clubs with two teams, who at some point decide to withdraw a team, shall keep their highest standing team.


Delete rule – The reasoning for this is that the rule is less relevant now the evening leagues are only now one division. In addition to this difference in standard between teams in the highest and lowest divisions in the Veterans Leeague is such that it would be a little unreasonable to expect lower league teams to play in the higher divisions. (Proposal passed) (After a brief discussion the proposal was seconded by Little Sutton as they also proposed this change and was passed by the delegates)


Proposal from Little Sutton BC


That the League consider the merit of maintaining Clause 2.5 of the Rules and Regulations as its application could be detrimental to the objectives of the game. (See above League Committee proposal)



Proposed by the League Committee

Current rule


5. Finance


5.3 Each team shall be debited 20p per player, per match (Merit Money) for each Midweek, Friday and Vets League game played.


Amend rule to..


5.3 Each team shall be debited 20p per player for each singles and doubles game played, per match (Merit Money) for each Midweek, Friday and Vets League game played.


Reasoning – The current rule doesn’t take into account the change in format of the league over recent years which now enables bowlers to play twice per match, playing both singles and doubles. This clarifies that teams are liable for 20p for each game if a bowler plays twice. (Proposal passed) (After a lengthy discussion involving many contributions from the floor and Little Sutton BC’s delegate who had also proposed a change to this rule (see below) the league committees proposal was passed)


Proposal from Little Sutton BC


(proposal taken from the presentation made by the Secretary to the the LSBC Annual General Meeting)


Ellesmere Port Bowling league Merit Money – "The chairman outlined a scenario which had arisen following the receipt of the Ellesmere Port Bowling League annual account, whereby the club had been debited a total annual sum of £371.60 of which, a figure of £264.40 had been calculated under the heading of Merit Money. In essence, the calculation is triggered by the league's rule 5.3 which makes provision for “Each team shall be debited 20p per player, per match (Merit Money) for each Midweek, Friday and Vets League games played” Within the computation of these amounts the League use a figure of ‘12’ being the multiplication factor of players they believe have taken part in the match (six singles and three doubles). 

As a generality, and particularly with the likes of Little Sutton, we never have the privilege of experiencing 12 members turning up on a regular basis, whereas the likes of, say Ledsham Royal, they will frequently enjoy a turn-out of as many as 10 or even 11 members.

When accounting for club’s income, match fees are taken into account and in our case we charge each player £1 whether he plays for one single match, one doubles match or even both a singles and a doubles match. As a result of the Leagues action our club would pay 12 x £0.20 amounting to £2.40 which represents 34% of the evenings income, assuming there was a turn-out of seven players. As an alternative, let’s for example take Ledsham Royal, (nothing against Ledsham Royal) who could have, say 11 members turning up, each paying, say £1, with their Merit contribution of, yes again 12 x £0.20 amounting to £2.40 which represents barely 22%. This is not an equitable charge made by the League and a fairer solution should be found. It is possible that the League would respond by saying that they cannot be faced with adjusting every calculation based upon the number of members who turn up, so my solution would be that on the results submission sheet, submitted after each match, a small box is provided for the club to declare the number of members who have TURNED UP leaving the computer to do the rest at the end of the season.

My belief is that the interpretation and application of this rule places an unfair advantage on the larger and more successful clubs which at best, is unequitable.

My proposal would be that this modification / amplification of the rules should be submitted to the League for a more detailed debate at their AGM"…………Little Sutton Bowling Club’s AGM agree that this modification should go forward for further scrutiny and debate by the League at their Annual General Meeting.


Little Sutton Bowling Club would therefore make a formal proposition that the interpretation and application of Clause 5.3 be reviewed and the number of member ‘shows’ is utilised in the year-end computation, rather than simply the number of players participating in the nine matches. (This proposal was not seconded so fell at that point)


Proposed by the League Committee

Current rule


5. Finance


5.9 The funds of the League shall be lodged with the Yorkshire Bank in the name of the League.


Amend rule to


5.9 The funds of the League shall be lodged with the Virgin Money in the name of the League.


Reasoning – The Yorksire Bank was taken over by Virgin a couple of years ago (Proposal passed)


Proposed by the League Committee

Current rule


7. The League


7.4.3 Midweek league teams to consist of ten players, with games 21 up and played in accordance with the BCGBA laws of the game


Amend rule to..


7.4.3 Midweek league teams to consist of a minimum of six team members, league matches will be six singles games 21 up and then three pairs games of 15 up.


Reasoning – The Midweek League format was changed in 2022 to 6 singles 3 pairs on trial basis, the rule change will now make this change permanent. (Proposal passed)




Over the last year more and more teams appear to be struggling to recruit and retain players, this is especially true at the woodlands.


Experiment to be made permanent ie 6 singles and 3 double this would have a twofold ie midweek league benefit in that it will enable sturggling teams to keep going .

Whilst those teams lucky enough to have surfieit of players can select up to 12


if this is not agreed it it the probability that the woodlands will not be able to enter a team (This proposal was in line with the above league committee proposal which was passed)


Proposals received from Bromborough Social BC


1. All evening games played in September to start at 17.30 to avoid playing in the dark. (The rule was left as it was after discussion, clubs were however encouraged If agreement could be reached with the opposing team to make arrangements for earlier starts on an as and when basis as some did in 2022)

2. All contact details of team captains to be posted on the website to make contact between clubs for postponements or rearranged matches easier (The committee stated that it would endeavour to keep the information as up to date as possible on the website)

3. Scrap all handicaps & let teams play off scratch. (Proposal Passed)

4. Scrap the tick box for Wednesday, Friday & Vets (so long as you meet criteria) essentially to have players representing the club as opposed to individual teams. (The Brom Social rep explained the reasoning for this change as there had been an instance that had affected them during the 2022 season where one of their players had played whilst deemed unregistered. After a brief discussion it was decided that the current system whilst seeming a little harsh in this instance was necessary due to the Midweek, Friday and Veterans Leagues all being separate leagues and requiring separate registration for each as a result)

5. That a cup competition encompassing all three leagues be organised (After a brief discussion about the viability and complexities of this kind a competition it was felt it would be difficult to introduce into the league so the Brom Social rep withdrew the proposal)

6.The league committee looks at the rules & updates them accordingly. (The committee stated that this is always the aim to keep rules relevant and up to date, however league rules can only be changed at AGM)

7. That the league merits, pioneer cup etc. start at 1030 to get finished earlier. (The League Secretary stated that as he would be running the comps from Whitby Park that they would not be able to start any earlier than 11am so Brom Social’s rep withdrew their proposal)





Ellesmere Port & Neston Bowling League

Annual General Meeting to be held at Groves Sports & Social Club on Tuesday 11th January 2022 – 7pm start

In accordance with league rules all clubs should be represented at the AGM, each club is entitled to be represented by two of its members, each with voting powers. If only one representative is present he/she shall have two votes.



  1. Opening of the Meeting by the Chairman.  The meeting was opened by the Secretary at 7.05pm

  2. Absent Friends.  A period of silence was observed for John Allenby (Heswall) Denis Jones (Little Sutton) Norman Harrison (Brom Pool BC) John Knapper (CCBA Secretary) who had passed away since the previous AGM

  3. Apologies for Absence. The Chairman (Allen Jones), Vice Chairman (Mark Jones) and Alan Vickers (Woodland BC) sent apologies for their absence.

  4. Roll Call.  All clubs were represented apart from Woodland BC

  5. Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting  (No meeting due to Covid).

  6. Matters Arising (No minutes due to Covid).

  7. Correspondence (including any Applications and Resignations). Applications were received from BEBINGTON PARK, OXTON CONS, LEVER CLUB to join the Vets League. WEST KIRBY applied to add a 2nd team. There was a brief discussion about applicants who were asking to join but could not guarantee their green could be used on Mondays as this was the allotted day for Ellesmere Port Vets games. The joining teams said they would make every effort to play their games on Mondays where possible. All the new applicants were accepted.

  8. Treasurers Financial Report. The treasurer presented the meeting with his report and a detailed balance sheet and stated that despite a small loss the previous season the League’s finances were in fair shape. He also stated that the accounts were yet to be independently audited and this required the appointment of an auditor.

  9. Presentation of Trophies and Prizes. The Treasurer presented the prizes to the receiving teams. The committee apologised to Levers Park for the absence of the 2nd division shield.

  10. Rule amendments. See below for carried and defeated motions.

  11. Election of Officers.

Current Officers –           President  -  Vacant

                                    Chairman  -  Allen Jones

                                    Vice Chairman  -  Mark Jones

                                    Secretary  -  Phil Flynn

                                    Treasurer  -  Paul Lewis

                                    Auditor  -  Vacant

The standing committee members said they would be willing to carry on If no one wished to put themselves forward to stand. The committee also asked for volunteers to stand for the positions of President and Auditor. No one stepped forward for these positions and they remain unfilled.


      12. Closure of the Meeting by the Chairman.  The Secretary closed the meeting approx 8.40pm.



Rule Amendments

Ellesmere Port & Neston Bowling League Proposals for 2022


1. Whitby Park

To allow ladies to play in the vets teams to help struggling teams out so they do not fold. (Carried)

2. Whitby Park

To drop the vets age to 50 years old no lower to help struggling teams out so they do not fold.  (Defeated)

3. Brom Social

Friday Evening League


Because the majority of players prefer not to play pairs and getting a full team can sometimes prove difficult. Would the league consider adopting a similar system to Cheshire  and introduce 8 players per team  (8 games of singles) this would enable clubs who have insufficient numbers to keep going and allow clubs with more members to perhaps enter 2 teams thereby expanding the league. (This motion was not seconded so fell before voting)


4. Albany

We would like to amend the objects of the league slightly, by deleting the final sentence i.e. the veterans league was introduced to encourage men over 55 years of age to play the game.

The significance would be to allows clubs (if they wished) to play women bowlers (not compulsory) if they wanted to. This may be the difference between clubs folding or expanding and bring us in line with the majority of organised bowling which accommodates mixed bowling. The number of teams playing with just six or seven players (or less on occasions) is decreasing. We think our proposal would help to reverse this trend and maybe boost numbers of teams in the league.  (This motion was withdrawn as the similar motion 1 was carried, though the altering of the ‘Objects of the League’ would be acknowledged)


5. Committee (Mark Jones)

To add a doubles competition on Whitby Park, £2 entry fee per person just like the pioneer cup and maybe get a sponsor for it.  (The meeting expressed no opposition to this as it is for the committee to organise League competitions, the committee stated however that volunteers to run competitions would be helpful)


6. Committee (Paul Lewis)       

Current rule

2  Membership

2. Applications for membership should be made to the league secretary in writing (email is acceptable). Applications should include secretary/captains contact details and the location of their green and should reach the secretary prior to the league’s annual general meeting in November each year (contact secretary for dates)

Amend rule

Remove the words “in November each year” as applications to league secretary prior to AGM is sufficient and date has more recently fallen in January anyway.  (Carried)


7. Committee (Paul Lewis)

The League

8.1.3 Mid week league, two points awarded for a win. one point awarded for a draw on aggregate plus one point awarded for each game. Veterans and Friday league games awarded one point for each game won.



Change rule to

8.1.3 Midweek league and Friday league matches, one point awarded for each game won plus two points awarded for a team aggregate win, one point awarded to each team in the event of a draw. Veterans league awarded one point for each game won.

Reasoning for the amendment- tidy up rule, also if aggregate points aren’t to be awarded then team handicaps are made redundant. (Carried)


8. Committee (Paul Lewis)

Individual Competitions


Insertion of 2 new rules, if either rule is accepted then renumbering of existing rules to accommodate.

Pioneer Cup.

The entry fee for the pioneer cup shall be set by the league committee and reviewed annually.

New rule suggested as currently the entry fee of £2 is in our opinion too low placing strain on the league finances, we would recommend entry fee be £5, rule allows this to be an adjustable figure to suit current and future circumstances. (Carried)


Individual Merit

All teams in the vets, midweek and Friday leagues are entitled to send one entry per team. Ideally teams will be represented by their leading average player, as per league website. If that player is unable or unwilling to play a substitute will be permitted, all teams will be levied £3 each season as entry fee for entrants entitled to represent their team.

New rule suggested as currently there is no set entry fee for the Individual Merit. To ensure that a respectable level of prize money is available without straining the leagues finances we suggest this small charge for entry.  (Carried)



2020 AGM

Tuesday 14th January 2020

held at Whitby Sports CLub



Election of Officers

President - vacant

Chairman - Bob Mealor

Vice- Chairman - vacant

Treasurer/Secretary - Steve McGonagle


Attending - There were 34 members present, with five clubs,  Avondale, Heswall, Hoylake Central & Melrose

Oxton Argyle and Royden Hall, not represented. The five clubs will be fined in acccordance with league rules.


Apologies -  Alan Vickers (Woodlands), Vic Hall (Whitby)


Absent Friends - a minutes silence was observed to remember bowlers we lost this last year.


Minutes of AGM 22nd January - minutes are available on the website, and accepted as a true record.


Matter arising from the minutes - nil 


Chairmans Report - Frank Hoey, had already informed the meeting that he was stepping down this season due to health issues. He said it is very poor that nobody is willing to step up and offer their services to the league. 

He believed that last season was a good one apart from a few hiccups at the beginning. Thanks to Steve for covering treasurer and secretary roles. Thanks to the clubs who provided greens for the Merit and Pioneer. 

Lets hope this season will be as enjoyable and good luck to all clubs.


Secretaries Report - Another good season, although we lost one team. Walkovers were down particularly on a Friday.

Pioner Cup and League Merit were also down on entries. Unless we get some sponsorship, we will have to consider reducing prize money. In an effort to promote the league competitions, I would like to set the dates now, the Pioneer to be played on Sunday 21st June, at the Woodlands - to be confirmed. The League merit to be played on Sunday 27th September at Whitby Park. I would also like to play a mixed pairs competition, with floodlights available, on Tuesday 23rd June.

There were lots of complaints about the handicaps last season, we have a chance to address that with the proposals this evening.

Finally, I'd like to apologise for the late rule change last season in the Vets league, with the introdiuction of bonus points.     I won't do that sort of thing again.


Treasurers Report - the balance sheet has been prepared but Steve apologised for some of the figures, and for not having     a proper handover from Alan Moss. He assured the meeting that the money was all still there and that the balnce sheet would be audited.


Next AGM - the date of the next AGM was set as Tuesday 21st january 2021, to be confirmed.


Presentation of 2019 trophies - trophies were presented to Tixall A for Vets 2 and Bromborough Recs for Vets 3.


Applications for membership - there were no applications from new clubs, but, Harrison Park are to enter a third team

and Parkstone, will now be known as Lever Park and will play at the Lever Club, Port Sunlight.




1-3 from Bromborough Social 

4-5 from Ledsham Royal 

6-10 from League Secretary 

11- 13 from Woodlands



1. Either adopt team handicaps for both Wednesday & Friday or drop handicaps altogether.  Carried


2. Despite the fact singles are preferable to the vets format, we believe the trial of the vets format for one season has been a real success cutting down the number of walkovers on a Friday evening from 34 in 2018 to 0 (zero) in 2019, and should therefore be adopted on a permanent basis.    Carried 


3. Keep pairs games to 15 points on Friday evening because of the night's drawing in in September & October.  Carried  


4. For the Friday League to drop individual handicaps in favour of an overall team handicap, handicaps to be set by league committee.  Withdrawn
5. For no team with a handicap start in the MidWeek and Friday Leagues to be able to score more than the maximum 210/171 chalks.  Fell


 6. Increase to £5.00 fine for non-attendance at AGM.  Carried


7. For evening league games, jacks must be yellow.  Fell 


6. Amend prize money percentages for evening leagues, whilst they are each one division.


1st 25%, 2nd 20%, 3rd 15%, 4th 12.5%, 5th 10%, 6th 7.5 %, 7th & 8th 5% each.  Carried 


8. Include Bank Holidays in dates for playing.     Fell  


9. Remove catch up dates from middle of season. Carried 


10. Vets leagues to adopt the extra points for aggregate win, trialed last season.  Fell  


11. Minimum number of players to be used in Vets League and Friday league, to be 7.   Fell 


12. Vets League and Friday league, to commence play with the 3 pairs games, followed by the 6 singles.  Fell 


13. Friday league to have no handicaps. Fell 


14. Friday league to have team handicaps.  Carried
 Formation of Leagues 2020 - as things stand the Vets leagues will have Vets One and Two 11 teams and Vets 3 10 teams. Midweek and Friday 11 teams each.
 Any other business -  Paul Chapman of Bromborough Social, spoke about Bowls for Health. a new initiative and encouraged mebers to look it up and see if they could get clubs involved. 
Paul Lewis  from  Ledsham thanked all the evening league clubs for their understanding last season, when Ledsham had to change green.













2019 AGM

Tuesday 22nd January 2019

held at Whitby Sports Club


  1. Election of Officers – President - Joe Rowe

    Chairman - Frank Hoey

    Vice Chairman - Bob Mealor

    Secretary/Treasurer - Steve McGonagle


    1. Attending – There were 28 members present with four clubs unrepresented, Avondale, Heswall, Hoylake Central & West Kirby. There were also two representatives each from Naval Club and Hoylake Marine.

    2. Apologies – the secretary had received apologies from Alan Vickers and John Allanby.

    3. Absent friends, a minutes silence was held for all our members who lost their lives this last year.

    4. Minutes of 2018 AGM, the minutes of the previous meeting were agreed, as being a true record, proposed by Chris Jones, seconded by Vic Hall.

    5. There were no matters arising from the minutes.

    6. Chairmans report – Frank Hoey addressed the meeting, saying that he didn't have much to report as he missed most of last season due to ill health, which is now resolved. He thanked the rest of the committee fortheir hardwork throughout the season. He did manage to get involved with the Merit Comp, assisted by Phil Flinn. Thanks to the clubs who allowed us the use of their greens for competition days and here's to a sporting and enjoyable 2019 season. Frank also thanked Alan Moss for his hard work over the years.

    7. Secretary's report – The secretary reported a successful season, with only one issue of note, that being the suspension of one bowler due to “bad behaviour” on and around the green. This would not be tolerated. The vast majority of our clubs are complying with the BCGBA rule re Safeguarding and efforts are being made to have us 100% compliant.

    8. Treasurers report - Alan Moss gave his last remarks as Treasurer and gave out the cheques to those in attendance. Jeff Hitchell from Parkstone, pointed out that the amounts paid out in the Vets League were incorrect, with more being paid to the winners of Div 3,than Div 2. Alan explained that the payouts were in accordance with the current league rules. The new treasurer will be looking at the payouts for the future.

    9. Presentation of trophies - the winnners of Vets Two and Three were presented with their trophies.

    10. 2020 AGM- the date was set as Tuesday 14th January 2020.

    11. Applications for membership – two applications were received from Naval Club and Hoylake Marine, these were voted on and both clubs duly accepted into the Veterans league. Tixall also wish to add a third team to the Vets league, agreed.

    12. Proposals for 2019 season -

      1. Brom Social -  The trial of having just one league on a Friday evening has, in our opinion, been a real success giving teams 5 more games to play over the course of the season & therefore propose that the format is adopted permanently. (handicaps to be revised in accordance with league position) - CARRIED




2. Brom social -  Adopt the the "one league" format for the Wednesday giving each team 5 more games to play over the course of the season. CARRIED




3.  Brom Social - Because of the amount of "walkover" games (not) played last season, trial the vets format (6 singles & 3 pairs) for one season on a Friday or Wednesday evening, teams will be able to compete with as few as 6 players or as many as 12 players  getting a game, this will:


            a.   Enable teams who are struggling to get numbers of players to compete without walkovers.


            b.   Do away with the need to organise pairs matches.


            c.   Perhaps keep the league going a bit longer.


(Obviously the vets format should not be abused & that all available players should get a game & not just the 6 best players CARRIED



      1. Formation of 2019 Leagues – to be decided by the League Executive.

      2. Auditor – Paul Horner agreed to continue as auditor.

      3. Any other Business – nil




2018 season AGM

Tues 13th February 2018

Held at Woodlands Bowling Club


1.  Election of Officers

President – Joe Rowe

Chairman – Frank Hoey

Vice-Chairman – Bob Mealor

Treasurer – Alan Moss

Secretary - Steve McGonagle

2. All but two clubs were represented, Burton & Puddington, Hoylake Central.

3. Apologies were received from Pat King & Ian Wilson for the above clubs.

4. A minutes silence was observed for the bowlers who have passed in the last year.

5. Minutes of 2016 AGM, the minutes were proposed as correct by Vic Hall, and seconded by Phil hellyer.

6. There were no matters arising from the minutes.

7. Chairmans report.

I would like to thank Steve for stepping in early and running the Pioneer Cup and Merit competitions, whilst I was in hospital. Thanks to the clubs who provided the facilities for those competitions.

Thanks to Joe, Alan, Steve & Pauline for their help over the season.

Hopefully with a full committee we can look forward to the coming season.

We will be hosting the County, senior and junior merits, I’m sure Steve will fill you in on this.

Congratulations to all the clubs winning trophies last season.

Unfortunately we have lost a couple of teams, but the Vets is thriving.

Here’s hoping for a sporting new season, good luck to all teams.


8. Secretarys report

Firstly I must apologise for resigning last year, thanks for having me back, particularly to Andy Pritchard who I believe took some unwarranted stick.

Thanks to chairman for keeping things running.

Will start by mentioning the cup competitions,

The Pioneer was slightly down on entries 29 from 34 in 2016

The merit was up to 38 from 27 in 2016.

Both had new winners in Steve Marks and Lee Powell, well done to both, in fact the four finalists were all new.

We didn’t hold a Cheshire merit qualifier, we will this year and we need to support it this year, as it’s our turn to hold the finals.

At the moment we have agreed to hold them both on Sunday 24th June, and would like the juniors at Whitby Park and the seniors at the Woodlands. I will be trying to change the format a little, I will keep you updated.

We had 80 matches last year with a walk over. Which to me, suggests we still haven’t got our league setup quite right and we maybe need to think about adopting one of the proposals later.

The Co-Op funeralcare are unable to provide any more sponsorship money this year. We’ve still got £550 from last years 1000 so I intend to keep their name , unless someone can come up with an alternative.

9. Treasurers report – the audited balance sheet was presented to the meeting and accepted.

10. The date of the next AGM was set as Tues 22nd January 2019. Giving clubs plenty of time to hold their own AGM’s to discuss any proposals. Thus allowing club reps to attend the league AGM armed with the views of their members.

11. Applications for membership, West Kirby Victoria were accepted into the league.
Heswall’s application for a further (3rd) team in the Vets league was also accepted.

12.Proposals for 2018 season

1. Whitby Park - amend rule 7.5.1, to make pairs games 21 up. (Evening Leagues) = carried


2. Little Sutton - reduce the minimum age for Vets League to 50 years. = Not carried


3. Bromborough Social - trial the vets format on a Friday evening for the season, this will enable teams to play with just 6 players or up to 12 if there are players available.

= Not carried


4. Bromborough Social - That the Friday league (Trial for the season) play as one division of 12 teams (or 11) instead of 2 divisions of 5 or 6, this would give players the opportunity to play on different greens throughout the season (instead of the 2 or 3 it feels we play on now) making it more interesting. =  carried


5. League Executive - Make Wednesday evening league, Pairs only. Number of players to be decided.  Then do away with the pairs on a Friday evening, leaving that for singles only.

Not carried


6. League Executive -  Do away with aggregate points in evening leagues. It is hoped that this would encorage teams to play new players, without fear of a low score impacting on the aggregate score. = Not carried


7. League Executive - remove Vets League Cup and Evening League Cup from the calendar/rules. = carried


13. The league executive will meet to consider the formation of the leagues.

14. Paul Horner agreed to continue auditing the league accounts.

15. Any other business – the secretary spoke about the engraving and presenting of trophies and a number of trophies that were still held but not used. The meeting voted that in the future, the only trophies to be presented/engraved would be 3 vets league shields, pioneer cup and League merit. The remaining trophies are to be valued and sold.

16. The trophies were then presented to last years winners for the final time.








League Executive Meeting


Tuesday 21st February 2017 @1900 hrs


held at the Halfway House, Childer Thornton



The Secretary is working on the fixtures and they should be complete before the end of the month.


The meeting was held to discuss and agree on the make up of the Leagues/Divisions for the 2017 season and

to make the 1st Round draws for the knockout cups.


The below was agreed:


Please note that Parkstone were formerly Gladstone & Whitby Park were Labour Social.


Friday One Friday Two Midweek One Midweek Two
Bromboro' Social Avondale C  Bromboro' Social Avondale A
Groves Brom Social A Groves SL Bromboro' Social A
Groves SL Little Sutton Ledsham Groves
Ledsham Little Sutton A Whitby Little Sutton
Whitby Whitby A Whitby A  Little Sutton A
Woodland Whitby Park Woodland A Whitby Park
Woodland A      


VeteransOne Veterans Two Veterans Three
Albany Bromboro' Recs Avondale A
Bromboro' Pool A Bromboro' Social Bromboro' Recs B
Capenhurst A Capenhurst B Bromboro' Pool B
Groves SL Groves Burton & Puddington
Harrison Park Harrison Park B Heswall B
Heswall Hoylake Central & Melrose Little Sutton
Little Sutton A Neston Neston B
Royden Hall Parkstone Whitby
Tixall Penketh Argyle Whitby A
Woodlands Tixall B Whitby Park


The draw for the First Round of the Veterans Cup is as follows. Ties will be one match, played as drawn with handicaps to

be decided by the League Executive. Each round will be drawn.


The matches to be played in the Vets format of 6 singles & 3 pairs, the winner being the team with the most "shots".


Tixall B v Harrison Park B,    Bromboro' Recs B v  Hoylake Central & Melrose,  Neston B v Woodlands


Bromboro' Social  v  Whitby A,   Bromboro' Recs v Heswall,   Neston v Little Sutton


Groves SL v Tixall,   Whitby Park  v  Capenhurst B,   Albany v Avondale A


Whitby v Penketh Argyle,  Bromboro' Pool v Harrison Park,  Little Sutton A  v  Royden Hall


Brom Pool B v Heswall B,  Burton & Puddington v  Parkstone


Byes - Groves & Capenhurst A



The draw for the First round of the Evening League Cup is as follows. Ties will be played over two legs, with handicaps to

be decided by the League Executive. Straight draw.




The matches to be played in the Vets format of 6 singles & 3 pairs, the winner being the team with the most "shots".



Ledsham v Bromboro' Social A,  Little Sutton v  Little Sutton A,  Woodlands A v Woodlands


Groves SL v Groves,  Whitby Park v Whitby


Byes -  Bromboro' Social, Avondale, Whitby A




Annual General Meeting Tuesday 8th November 2016 @1900 hrs


held at Whitby Sports Club


Prior to the meeting, Claire Watchorn from League Sponsors, Co-Op Funeralcare

presented the secretary with a cheque for £1000 for the 2017 season.


Claire then presented the trophies to winning clubs for 2016.






Attending - all clubs except Heswall & Royden Hall were represented.


Apologies - Chairman, Tom Bentley, Syd taylor, Robin May


Absent friends -  a period of silence was observed in memory of our fellow bowlers,


Joan Bennett (Avondale), Tony Holmes (Groves), Albert Gibbs (Little Sutton),

Ted Smith (Labour), Tony Hughes (Royden Hall), Alan Winder (Whitby), Alan Watts (Whitby)

and Albert Jones (Whitby).


Minutes of the AGM 10/11/15 were agreed, Proposed by Vic Hall & seconded by Phil Hellyer.


Matters arising - Nil


Chairmans Report - In his absence, due to an operation today, the secretary read the

Chairmans report to the meeting.


Firstly, apologies for my absence.

I would like to thank Steve & Alan for another year of hard work on our behalf.

Well done Mr Secreatry on all the sponsorship you secured.

Thanks to all the clubs who provided venues for our competitions, with excellent turnouts.


It was a pity we had to abandon the midweek cup, but hopefully we can resurrect it next year.


Congratulations to all our winners and here's looking forward to next year.


All the best for Xmas & New Year, F Hoey, Chairman.


Secretaries Report

Thanks everybody for coming tonight.

Thank you to the absent Chairman & to Alan for all their support through the year.

To Paul Horner for his assistance with the audit of the accounts.

Phil Sweeney & everyone at Neston for holding the Pioneer Cup. A great days bowling.

Syd Taylor, Tony Plant & everyone at Little Sutton for the League Merit, again that was a great day, not least because I won it !

Alan Hughes & the team at the Groves who hosted the spring Pairs comp.

Capenhurst who allowed us to use their green although it turned into a pond at one point for the Cheshire merit qualifier.

I will be looking for clubs to hold those four competitions next season. Any takers ?



League Merit …………………………………….

Pairs ………………………………………………….

Cheshire Merit ………………………………….


There were offers from Albany, Little Sutton, Neston and Tixall (provisional)


Once again we had a reduction in the number of “walkovers” in the leagues, which to me is an indication that we are getting team numbers right, although one or two clubs still continue to struggle.

On that note, I’ll just say that I don’t make suggestions or proposals, just for the sake of them.

I listen to what players are saying to me or saying around the greens and I try to come up with options.

As usual the Vets league is continuing to grow. A couple of weeks ago I had 3 applications to join, now down to one, plus an additional team for Neston. The two clubs that have withdrawn, will no doubt be back next year.


Unfortunately, as of yesterday, we are losing Capenhurst as an evening team.


The league cup didn’t happen and I can only presume that clubs didn’t understand my plans, so I can only apologize for that. We will try again next year.


We have secured even more sponsorship money from Co-Op Funeralcare for 2017, £1000, and we intend to use that money to increase the prize money in the leagues next year, as well as supporting league competitions.

There is nothing in the league rules, to say how we have to spend that money. So you will have to support the league Executives decisions.


Our biggest issue locally, is getting young players into the game. We have a number of talented players who live locally, yet don’t play in our leagues. I need ideas to encourage them to play, or the evening leagues will continue to decline.


On a more positive note, I’d like to congratulate Whitby, Groves & Groves SL on the addition of shelters to their club setups. Most of our clubs need improvements and these clubs are showing the way, well done.


Thanks again to those I mentioned earlier and also to all of you for your support. As always, if you have any ideas or observations, get in touch.


Treasurers Report

Alan Moss presented the balance sheet to the meeting. Joe Rowe, on behalf of the members, thanked Alan for all of his continued hard work.


Next AGM

The secretary proposed that the next AGM be held on Tuesday 20th February 2018,delaying it til the February would allow clubs time to hold their own AGM's and therefore have the opinions of their members.  Proposals to reach the Secretary by the end of September.


Applications for membership

The Secretary read out the emailed application from Ian Wilson of Hoylake Central and the meeting voted 22/9 in favour of accepting the application.

The Secretary has requested a list of Hoylake players, so that they can be placed in the correct division according to ability/results.


Proposals for 2017

1. Little Sutton: Reduce the minimum age for Vets League to 50 years. Not carried

2. Little Sutton: Introduce straight point per winning jack system, no bonus points for aggregate, in all leagues. Not carried

3. League Exec: Change the scoring system for all leagues, to aggregate only. 2 points for a win, 1 point for a draw or a variation of this, as decided by

League Executive.  Not carried

4. Little Sutton: Introduce a third match on a neutral green instead of the current pairs match.  Not carried

5. Little Sutton: Introduce a dedicated pairs league at the end of the main season.   Not carried

6. Little Sutton: Start the season in May and finish in September.  Not carried

7. Woodlands: That the evening leagues adopt the Veterans format.  Not carried


8. League Exec: Amalgamate the Midweek & Friday leagues. Teams can play games Wed or Fri. This will stop us playing the same teams over and over and will also create more f

ree dates for cups, competitions, catch up etc.  Not carried


9. League Exec: Change this years "failed" cup, to, one cup for the Vets, played in the daytime & one cup for the evening league. All teams entered, handicaps applied. Super Cup

final, between the two winners.  Carried


10. Whitby: That any team Captain who turns up knowing they are going to be a Player or Players short, must declare this prior to selecting the order of play.  Not carried


11. Whitby:  That any team Captain knowing that a Player or Players are going to be late, must declares this & in this instance is given a period of one hour after the Start of Play

for the said Player or Players to turn up.  If the Player or Players do not appear within the 1 hour time slot, then their game is void.  Not carried


12. Little Sutton: PLAYER REGISTRATION 6.4  If a player is also registered for a different team the following season, he stays with the first team that he plays for.


ADD NEW RULE - A player, having played for a Club  and who wishes to cancel their registration or transfer to another Club, may do so provided they notify their Club, in writing,

on or before December 1st of each year and that their resignation is accepted by the said Club and all financial dues have been paid.


REASON – This doesn’t appear in the E.Port rules and consequently the Club may only learn of a bowler changing clubs when the season is about to start and if any outstanding

monies are owed it may be too late to resolve, if they have left. It also gives Clubs an opportunity to assess their playing strength to ensure that league commitments can be

met - as Clubs have to resign from the league by 31st December  Carried


Formation of Leagues for 2017

To be left to the league Executive. The Secretary promised to check the rules re promtion/relegation, which he appears to have wrong at the moment.


Appointment of Auditors

Thanks again to Paul Horner


Election of Officers

President - Joe Rowe agreed to stand, proposed by Dave Hulmston, seconded by Mike Halsey, carried by meeting.

Chairman - Frank Hoey has agreed to carry on

Vice Chairman - John Clayton has stood down, no replacement elected.

Treasurer - Alan Moss agreed to continue unless there is a volunteer. Alan is continuing.

Secretary - Steve McGonagle agreed to continue.


Any other business

Chris Parker asked for some assistance in looking for ways to increase youth participation, the secretary agreed to do so.


The meeting was closed at 2050 hours





























Ellesmere Port & Neston Bowling League

Annual General Meeting Tuesday 10th November 2015 @1900 hrs

Woodland Hotel Bowls Club


1. Roll call - a good attendance tonight, with all clubs represented, except Avondale. The meeting was informed that Phil Hill was unwell.

2. Apologies – Phil Flinn (Labour), John Clayton (Brom Soc)

3. Absent Friends - Steve Bennett (Brom Social) and George Challinor (Little Sutton)

4.Minutes of previous meeting – proposed by Andy Pritchard and seconded by Dave Dobson that the minutes on the website, were a true record of the meeting dated 11th November 2014.

5. Matters arising from the above – nil

6. Chairmans Report – Frank Hoey thanked the Secretary & Treasurer for all their hard work and encouraged everyone to enjoy the coming season.

7. Secretary’s Report

Another a good season, maybe just a little too long and disjointed, for some.

Was a sharp learning curve for me with the fixtures, I hope that next season I'll have a better idea of how things work.The website seems to be working well, most of the time.Does anybody struggle or have problems with it ?

I still want captains agreeing scores are correct and club reps checking scores on the website.

I've got some forms here with me tonight, which I think could help with scoring, I'll pass them around, if anybody has any comments, speak to me later. ( I will send the forms to everyone)

At the moment we haven’t lost any more teams, although I think we have a couple of clubs teetering on the brink, I hope that they do continue next year.

Again, we have applicants for the Vets league, B&P, Harrison Park. (Paul Horner explained that it was an enquiry and not definite from Harrison Park)

Numbers were up in the Pioneer Cup, (44 from 31)

We had good competitions in the Merit, (11 of 21 clubs represented), would like to see more Veterans clubs,

and the Floodlit Pairs, were we had 16 pairs in October !


The pairs in MW & Fri has increased the number of games and with that the merit money, so prize money has increased accordingly.

Number of walkovers was down in Friday (37-17) & Midweek (24-16) Vets up (16-38)

There are a few proposals but the one I am keen for is the new format for the League cup that I 've suggested.

I'll have to say again, that I want secretaries and captains to talk to each other. If you have problems with fixtures, come to an agreement with the oppostion, then inform me.

Some will say, that we've been weak with the way we've dealt with Vauxhalls this year, as a committee we've tried to do what we think is right & fair.

25 years ago, I took an oath to act without fear or favour, you can be assured I still hold true to that oath.

I will always try to get as many games played as possible.

If you don't agree, feel free to stand up, a bit later and offer your services to the committee next year.


I'll end on a better note,

This year I brought in £220 worth of sponsors money, and we used £130 from the League .

For the record, I'd like to thank Andersons Independent Funeral Directors, Carrolls Kitchens and Close Shave Turkish barbers,

If you and your members can support any of them, please do so.

I will particularly recommend Close Shave !

Next year we've currently got a promise of £500 from the Co-operative Funeralcare in Little Sutton,

I should get the cheque in January.

I'd like to throw a substantial amount of that money at the new League cup.

As always, If anybody has any ideas, please get in touch.


8. Treasurers Report - Alan presented what he hoped would be his last Financial Report.

9. 2016 proposals

1. From VX – games in the Vets League Division One be played on Mondays - Rejected

2. Woodlands – ladies be allowed to play in the Veterans league - Not carried 9/28

3. Secretary – The League Cup to include Midweek, Friday & Veterans teams. Adopt the Vets format so that clubs may be able to enter more than one team. Games to be played mainly on Sundays, although they could be played any day, by agreement. One game per tie. Re-introduce the Consolation Cup for 1st round losers. If all clubs enter, we could have over 50 teams in the first round -Carried 22/14

4. Albany – New rule. All games to be played. In the event of any fixture not being fulfilled the league have the power to determine appropriate sanctions to be imposed, this could include a fine, points deduction and possible exclusion from the league. In the event of a match still not being played the innocent party should be awarded their average team points (away or home) as their match score. In other words if a team is averaging five points per home or away game then that is what is awarded. These to be determined at the end of the season when all the results are available for consideration - Carried 25/9


5/6. Albany & Capenhurst – Vets league games commence at 1300 instead of 1330 – Carried 24/12


7. Secretary - If my proposal re the League Cup is accepted, I would propose playing the "pairs" matches at the beginning of 2016 season. Keeping the same format, to make the points worthwhile. I would then like to remove "catch up" dates from mid season, with any cancelled/abandoned games played at the end of the season – Not carried 6/7


8. Bromborough Social - propose that we have a separate pairs league and play the games at the beginning and end of the singles league games – Not carried 8/10


9. Application from Burton & Puddington to join the Vets League – Carried 38/0

The Secretarythenspoke about the current League rules being out of date, having been added to over the years and in some cases, not making sense. The secretary would list the actual amendments and deletions. Where there is no change to wording etc, but the item has been moved/re-numbered, I won't list those items tonight. It was agreed that the meeting would vote on the “whole” set of rules. With any clarification sought tonight.

1. Create the League Executive, consisting of the League President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary & Treasurer.

2. Rule 3. Amend Council to Management Committee and to include one representative from each club. With one vote per team.

  1. Rule 37/70. – new players can play as soon as notified to Secretary.

  2. Rule 22, delete. Bills paid within 14 days of receipt, 30 Sept not applicable.

  3. Delete “All cheques shall bear the signature of two officers of the League". Only one required.

6. Rule 40. Delete, no fine – no longer submit score cards.

7. Rule 41. Amend, no restriction re date of re-arrangement. To include “or a team fails to appear”. (7.2)

8. Rule 42. Amend to , “date may be altered, if mutually agreed by captains”. (7.2.1)

9. Rule 47, delete - no deadline for registrations/transfers.

10. Rule 51, delete. No longer have score cards.

11. Rule 77, delete. Not relevant, can be re-introduced if necessary.

12. Rule 78, appears incorrect, should read “highest aggregate points difference” as 53 (8.2)

13. Rule 82. Amend to League Executive to decide on the date of the draw. (10.2)

14. Rule 6, delete. No need for sub committees.

15. Rule 12, amend, see 5.6. No need for End of season meeting. Monies are sorted by the Treasurer and ratified by the League Executive.

16. Rule 43, see rule 7.4.2, add “continuous play to be adopted”.

17. Rule 40, no longer relevant, as results are entered onto website. No fine for late entry.

All carried unanimously

10. Formation of Leagues 2016 – the League format is to stay the same, just waiting on final numbers.

11. Appointment of Auditors – Tony Clare has indicated to Alan Moss that he is no longer able to carry out the audit. There was no volunteer from the floor, so the League Executive will have to find a new auditor.

12. Election of Officers

President – we don't currently have a League President. The meeting agreed that as a mark of appreciation for his years of hard work, that Alan Moss should be elected President.

Chairman – Frank Hoey agreed to continue.

Vice-Chairman – John Clayton has informed the Chairman that he is willing to continue.

Secretary – Steve McGonagle to continue.

Treasurer – Alan Moss is not getting any younger and he is struggling to complete his duties to the standard that he is used to. He would like to stand down, but again, there was no volunteer from the floor to take over. Clubs have been asked to canvas members to try & find a candidate to “shadow” Alan this year.

13. 2016 AGM – the date of next years AGM was set as Tuesday 8th November 2016.

14. Any other Business - Alan Heaton of Heswall, raised the issue of the VX v Capenhurst veterans game, when, despite having players present, the captain Dougie Biddle refused to play the pairs games. Alan asked, if the League had taken any action over this. The Secretary could only say that VX had forfeited the pairs games and that that was the only action taken. The meeting felt that more robust action should be taken in such circumstances.

The meeting closed at 2100 hrs.

























Ellesmere Port & Neston Bowling League

Annual General Meeting Tuesday 11th November 2014

Whitby Sports Club 1900 hrs – Presidents Lounge



1)            Attending - All clubs represented except Avondale & Penketh Argyle

2)             Apologies - Jean Vallance (Little Sutton), Ed Thomas (Penketh Argyle)  Steve McGonagle (Secretary)

3)             Absent friends – Keith Vallance, Bill Grant, Sheena Randles and Agnes Henderson.

4)             Minutes of Management Meeting 14/10/14, passed as a true record proposed by Robin May and seconded by Lol Jarvis

5)             Matters arising - nil

6)             Election of Officers – The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer all agreed to carry on in their roles. They were duly elected. Proposed by Joe Rowe, seconded by Andy Pritchard .

The League President, Joe Rowe, then informed the meeting that he was resigning from the role. Joe thanked everyone for their support over the years, in particular Alan Moss.

7)             Chairman’s Report

The Chairman, Frank Hoey, thanked Joe for his efforts on behalf of the League and Joe was invited to become Honorary Life President. This was passed by the meeting.

Frank then spoke of the sad loss of bowlers this year. He thanked Alan Moss for his work as Secretary. He spoke of the difficult times that bowls is experiencing and how it will take effort from us all to improve things and encourage more teams into the evening leagues.

The Chairman was honoured to be asked to present the trophy at the Midweek Cup Final between Ledsham & Labour. Both teams had played exceptionally well on the night with Ledsham winning the cup. Something which lead to an uncharacteristic “senior moment” when he couldn’t remember the name of the winning team.

Congratulations to all this years competition winners. The winning averages competition was played in Whitby Park and proved to be a very enjoyable day, with some closely fought games.

Thanks to steve for all his work this year. Everyone will agree that the website is working well and will only improve as we all used to using it.

I have enjoyed my year as Chairman, I thank the rest of the committee for their support.

I feel we have a lot of hard work ahead of us to improve the numbers in the midweek league, while the Vets league go from strength to strength, with more teams applying to join this year.

8)             Secretaries Report – with the Secretary unable to attend due to illness, the Chairman read his prepared report.

Forgive me if I am repeating myself, and saying the same things I said at the management Meeting.

I will try to make this slightly different, although I can’t promise to make it any less boring.

Thanks again to Alan Moss for his stint as league secretary and to Joe Rowe for all his efforts as president.

Website- I am sure you will all agree that the new website is worth keeping, and it will only get better with more results entered onto it. I am trying to get it upto date with all the past winners etc, just bear with me.

I will mention again, the need for both teams to enter results, or at least check a result if its already been entered by the opposition. On the “enter results” tab there is a place for the second team to check & save results. This shows me that the results have been checked and we won’t have to go back months down the line to amend anything.

If you are having problems or want some advice about the website or results, just give me a shout.

If you can think of ways of improving things, again, just let me know.

Midweek Final - The Midweek Cup Final at Vauxhalls was a success, hopefully next year we will get more people to the event and I hope to turn it into a bit of a presentation evening for the league.

Merit - The League merit was also a successful day, helped by the weather. Thank you to all those that turned up and supported the event. There was no charge this year, but there will be a charge next year and clubs could also be fined if they don’t send a representative.

Proposals - You will see we have a fairly extensive list of proposals for next year.

 I am keen to get more games played in the season, which I feel is too short at the moment.

  I am also very keen on the idea of adopting the 6 singles 3 pairs format.  So please support  that proposal, which came from Lee Powell of Ledsham.

Constitution - I have started going through the league rules, to try and make a bit of common sense of them. I hope I will have a draft constitution out to you before the start of the season., which can then be voted on at the next AGM.

Communication - I have already mentioned the website, but I just want to stress how important it is a means of communication.  I can and do put dates of meetings and competitions etc on the website, fixtures can be amended, club contacts changed, the agenda and minutes for meetings are all on the website please read it and take note.


9)             Treasurers Report – Alan Moss informed the meeting that accounts had been audited by Tony Clare, and that Tony will do so again next year. The Yorkshire Bank have now added Steve McGonagle to the list of authorised signatures on the bank account. This years balance sheet was produced and was accepted by the meeting, having been proposed by Tixall & seconded by Brom Pool.

10)           Cheshire County Report – Lee Powell had nothing to report from the two meetings that he had attended. It was agreed by the meeting that we should no longer send a representative to the County meeting. Members could obviously attend of their own will.

11)           Presentation of 2014 Trophies -  Not all of the trophies were ready to be presented, so the cheques were handed out. The League Executive Committee will endeavour to present the trophies at the beginning of 2015 season.

12)           Nominations for membership – Gladstone and Royden Hall were accepted into the League. The Secretary apologises for neither club being represented.

13)           Proposals for 2015

1.       Proposal that ladies be allowed to play in the Veterans League. (Neston) Withdrawn


2.       Reduce Midweek & Friday League teams from 12 to 10 players. (Whitby/Brom Soc) Carried


3.       Start league season end of May and finish mid Aug. (Whitby) Not carried


4.       Move catch up dates to the end of the season. (Whitby) Not carried


5.       Start all evening matches at 6pm. (Brom Soc) Not carried


6.       Teams register players so they can play MW & Fri.(Brom Soc) Withdrawn


7.       Veterans to adopt continuous play, to reduce late finishes. (Brom Soc) Carried


8.     Pay prize money, per point, more games you win, more money you win.(Brom Soc) Not carried


9.     Midweek and Friday league teams to play each other one more time. This third game to be 5 games of pairs. Secretary will allocate home/away teams. Thus increasing  the number of games played in the season. (Secretary) Carried


10.   Change rule 26. from “Club will be fined 50p for each player short. Opposing team will have the fine credited to their account.” to “Club will be fined £1 for each player short. Opposing team will have the fine credited to their account.” (Ledsham)  Carried  

11.    Change rule 57.. for the League Committee to decide and state the intended level of prize money teams compete for before the start of each season and insert it at the end of the current rule, as currently there is no set figure “The league prize money to be shared between the first five (5) teams in all divisions of ten teams or more. The percentage split to be 30%, 25%, 20%, 15% and 10%. Divisions of less than ten (10) the split will be 40%, 25%, 20% and 15%. Prize fund for 1st Division will be £xxx.xx and prize fund for 2nd Division will be £xxx.xx, subject to all monies being paid in”  (Ledsham) Not carried 

12.  Involving changes to Rule 71, Each match team to consist of a minimum 9 players. The pairs to be made up of, in each pair, no more than one member who played in the single matches.Not carried

Rule 72 should now be amended to “and then three pairs games to 15 up”. (Brom Recs) Carried

13. Veterans matches to commence at 1300 hrs - Deleted


14. Midweek and Friday leagues to adopt the same format as Veterans League, ie six singles games and three pairs games. Therefore allowing clubs with plenty of players to use 12, whilst assisting those with fewer players. Clubs could also consider forming more than one team !   Deleted

 14)           Formation of Leagues for 2015 season

The league format for 2015 was presented to the meeting.

Midweek 1

Midweek 2

Friday 1

Friday 2


Brom Soc


Whitby A

Groves SL

Little Sutton


Brom Soc


Labour Soc

Groves SL

Little Sutton

Woodland A


Woodland A


Whitby A

Brom Soc

Little Sutton B

Brom Soc A

Little Sutton A

Avondale A


Avondale C



Labour Soc



Vets One

Vets Two

Vets Three

Vauxhall A

Groves SL

Brom Pool B



Neston B

Neston A


Labour Soc

Harrison Park

Brom Pool A

Whitby A

Brom Recs

Harrison Park B

Penketh Argyle

Capenhurst A


Brom Soc

Little Sutton A


Brom Recs B



Little Sutton

Tixall B

Capenhurst B

Avondale A




Having researched the Birkenhead & Wirral League, the two new Vets teams to be added to Div Two and promote Heswall to Div One.

15) Any other business –

1.It was requested that all captains numbers go on the website.

2. Lee Powell expressed his disappointment that his proposal re adopting the Vets format for the Evening Leagues, was dismissed, when we should be trying to increase numbers and encourage teams to join the league.

3. John Clayton and Robin May spoke about the issues with bowling greens on the Wirral and the likely reduction of greens due to Council cutbacks.

4. Paul Lewis queried the amounts paid out as prize money, after increases in the registration fees etc.

The meeting was then closed and the Chairman thanked everybody for such a pleasurable evening !



Secretaries Comments

I really was gutted not to be able to attend the AGM this year, due to illness.

Lets get on with the new season, some changes have been voted in, lets see how they go.

I will continue with my work to update the League Rules, ready for the next AGM.

Since the AGM I have had a voicemail from Neston, saying one of their teams will be withdrawing from the Vets League, so we will have to have a rethink on the league formation.

In response to a couple of the issues raised in “any other business”;

  1. All team captains contact details are available on the “Club Contacts” tab, for those who have their clubs PIN. They are not available to the general public, to protect personal information.
  2. Alan and I will look into the prize money query.


Steve McGonagle









Management meeting Tuesday 14th October 2014

Whitby Sports Club 1900 hrs – Presidents Lounge


  1.       Roll call – The following clubs were not represented–Albany, Avondale, Harrison Park, Labour, Ledsham, Neston, Penketh Argyle
  2.       Apologies – None received
  3.       Absent Friends  - Ces Cooper & Colin Pemberton of Little Sutton and Sheena Randles of Brom Social.
  4.       Minutes of meeting – Tues 11th March 2014 were agreed, A Hughes/J Vallance
  5.       Matters arising - None
  6.       Secretary’s report

Steve McGonagle confirmed that Alan Moss had taken a back seat as far as the secretary’s role, since the middle of this last season. Alan will continue in the role of Treasurer. Steve thanked Alan for his assistance and for his work as secretary over the last number of years. There was a round of applause in appreciation of Alan.

The following is Steve’s report to the meeting:


For some reason, the Midweek & Friday league bowls in the Port seems to be on the decline, with teams folding and greens disappearing. I personally, don’t want to be the secretary of a league that disappears, if anything, I want to see more teams join us.

But I do think we will have to make some changes.  I’m not talking about massive changes, but we have to accept some changes, even if it’s just trying something for a season to see if it improves the game locally.

To me that means more games and a longer season.

We played a competition at the Woodlands this last Sunday and we have another next Sunday, yet the last league game was seven weeks ago !  There is obviously room for more games in the season.

If you have any suggestions, please let us know. With that in mind I will continue to take proposals for the new season up to the end of this month.

If we try things and they don’t work, at least we tried.


This season - Website

I think most will agree, that the new website is worth keeping.

It will only get better, the more results that it has put into it.

Already, the way players are shown as registered has been changed and will help with managing registrations.

Most clubs have got into the hang of entering results, there will always be teething problems and computers definitely have their moments. So bear with us. If you want any help or advice, don’t be afraid to ask.

I would just like to ask club reps to try and get the results entered as soon as possible, now that we don’t have score cards to submit, I will be proposing a fine if results have not been entered 24 hours after a game.

It doesn’t matter which team enters the result, but both teams should go onto the site, and go into the “enter results” tab and check and save the result. It then shows up on the system, that both teams have checked the result. Any discrepancies can then be sorted, rather than 5 months after the event, as we had this season. Mentioning no names.

Again, if you have any ideas for improving it, let me know.

Rules – Captains must speak to each other

As I’ve already hinted at,

I want as many people to play as many games as possible. If that means bending the rules, about postponing games etc then that is just me trying to get games played and not just awarded. If I  ask a captain to speak to another captain, to re arrange a game,  then please do that. The fixture lists on the website can be easily amended.

Midweek Cup Final

The Midweek Cup final, in my opinion was a big success having just one game at Vauxhalls. Thanks again to the Chairman, Frank for presenting the trophy on that evening and to Dougie Biddle for allowing us to use the facilities.

Next season, So that we get more people to the event, I hope to make that into a final come presentation evening, and we will try to present the years trophies instead of at the AGM.


League Merit

We were very lucky with the League Merit, with  great weather, we had a great days bowling.  Thanks to Labour Social for the venue and helping with the draw, and to Alan Ritchie from Woodlands for stepping in to assist me on the day.

There was no charge this season for the Merit, mainly down to me not being organised in time. Next season teams will be charged and also fined if players don’t attend.

I hope this competition will continue.



Onto next season.

You can see a list of the proposals on the agenda as well as the league formations for next year.

We need more open competitions locally.

Last year Tommy Lowndes ran two at Westminster and both were full of quality bowlers from across the region. If we can attract bowlers to come and play in the port we can hopefully attract younger local players and maybe more teams into the leagues.

If you want to run a competition and you need help, money, greens anything,  then just ask

I am hoping to run a pairs competition in April, for all league members including vets.

That’s all from me. Thankyou

7.      Cheshire County report – Gerald Merry told the meeting that there was nothing to report from the County.

8.      Treasurer’s report – Alan Moss presented the accounts to the meeting and thanked those that noticed his deliberate error with the Fri Div 2 pay out. The accounts will be audited prior to the AGM.


9.             Proposals for 2015

    1.  Application from Gladstone to play in Veterans League.
    2. Application from Royden Hall to play in the Veterans League.
    3. Proposal that ladies be allowed to play in the Veterans League. (Neston)
    4. Reduce Midweek & Friday League teams from 12 to 10 players. (Whitby/Brom Soc)
    5. Start league season end of May and finish mid Aug. (Whitby)
    6. Compress fixtures in both Midweek & Friday divisions, so there is more continuity without having some weeks, where teams have no fixtures. Move catch up dates to the end of the season.  (Whitby)
    7. Start all evening matches at 6pm. (Brom Soc)
    8. Teams register players so they can play MW & Fri.(Brom Soc)
    9. Veterans to adopt continuous play, to reduce late finishes. (Brom Soc)
    10.  Pay prize money, per point, more games you win, more money you win.(Brom Soc)
    11. Midweek and Friday league teams to play each other one more time. This third game to be 5 games of pairs. Secretary will allocate home/away teams. Thus increasing  the number of games played in the season. (Secretary)
    12. I am currently working through the League Rules and hope to produce a new set, for the AGM, which will also involve some amendments. (Secretary)
    13. Change rule 26. from “Club will be fined 50p for each player short. Opposing team will have the fine credited to their account.” to “Club will be fined £2 for each player short. Opposing team will have the fine credited to their account.” (Ledsham)
    14. Change rule 57.. for the League Committee to decide and state the intended level of prize money teams compete for before the start of each season and insert it at the end of the current rule, as currently there is no set figure “The league prize money to be shared between the first five (5) teams in all divisions of ten teams or more. The percentage split to be 30%, 25%, 20%, 15% and 10%. Divisions of less than ten (10) the split will be 40%, 25%, 20% and 15%. Prize fund for 1st Division will be £xxx.xx and prize fund for 2nd Division will be £xxx.xx, subject to all monies being paid in”  (Ledsham)
    15. nvolving changes to Rule 71, Each match team to consist of a minimum 9 players.The pairs to be made up of, in each pair, no more than one member who played in the single matches. (Brom Recs)
    16. Rule 72 should now be amended to “and then three pairs games to 15 up”. (Brom Recs) 

 10.              Formation of Leagues 2015 season


Midweek 1

Midweek 2

Friday 1

Friday 2


Brom Soc


Whitby A

Groves SL

Little Sutton


Brom Soc


Labour Soc

Groves SL

Little Sutton

Woodland A


Woodland A


Whitby A

Brom Soc

Little Sutton B

Brom Soc A

Little Sutton A

Avondale A


Avondale C



Labour Soc






Vets 1

Vets 2

Vets 3

Vauxhall A

Groves SL

Brom Pool B



Neston B

Neston A


Labour Soc

Harrison Park

Brom Pool A

Whitby A

Brom Recs

Harrison Park B

Penketh Argyle

Capenhurst A


Brom Soc

Little Sutton A


Brom Recs B



Little Sutton

Tixall B

Capenhurst B

Avondale A








If two new teams are accepted at AGM, they would go into Div 2 and Heswall would be promoted to Vets 1.

11.  Any other business – Gerald Merry informed the meeting that he would be standing down from his administrative positions, including that of Honorary Life Vice president of our League.  ( I will look into this, as I do not believe Gerald has to resign this honorary position)

Joe Rowe informed the meeting that he would also be standing down as League President at the AGM in November. We will be looking for a replacement.

The Chairman thanked both for their efforts on behalf of the league.


The meeting closed.